Reviews for The Greasy Git Of Hogwarts
Sheankelor chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
Nice! I hope that Severus takes Lupin's advice with a grain of salt.
orpheus-under-starlight chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
*twitch* Snape.. looks GOOD? Wow, the world's coming to an end!
Bagoosa chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Very funny, and he should take her daisies.
Lolchen chapter 1 . 11/29/2009

What a fun chapter

Especially Harry's reaction

Though I kinda like Snape's long black hair *humph* He's not snape-y without it! And he was in love with Lily... But of course, back then no one knew that xD Good one shot!
Ko-pia chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
I like this story, it's cute! Kinda creepy to think of Snape as not repulsive, though.
CAH chapter 1 . 10/19/2003
good story, but have him get with Hermione.
The Breeze chapter 1 . 9/9/2003
Good stuff.

I would have expected more grumbling over Lupin bringing Hermione - I would have expected Lupin to clear it with Snape, first - they would have an argument, but Lupin would eventually get him to go along. I think that if Lupin just brought Hermione without warning, Snape would feel betrayed.

I look forward to more. A funny sequel would be Snape deciding to set Lupin up and totally botching it. I could just see Snape trying to set Lupin up and instead getting him (Lupin) arrested or something.
NocturnalFerri chapter 1 . 9/9/2003
LOL. now that's original. Not a stupid make over fic. It's a good one. lol. Shows the vunerable side of our favorite greasy git. lol. I loved harry's input at the end. Thank you for not making it a snape/lupin fic...not that im against that...but speaking from a writer's pov, it would have been predictable. You know, like "she's all that." Oh, and i love lupin. Wasn't too serious, made him look like the grown up version of the boy he was way back when. Good job...especially for a first fic.
M. D. Jensen chapter 1 . 9/9/2003
lol, it reminds me of queer eyes for teh straigh guy! not saying remus is gay... it jut does. but it was very funny, as much as i can't see snape with brown hair, lol!
Nitte iz chapter 1 . 9/9/2003

*wipes tears from her eyes*

I have to honestly say that is thee funniest fic I've read on Snape (well possibly with the exception of the snap cup story)!

It's so great, I love Remus' view and then Hermione's help - it was great!

Sequel! Sequel!