Reviews for Wedding Bells
Solo Loco Ellingson-Rose chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
-dies- Oh God, the sap! I loved it to death. xD
Ameftowriter chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
that's romantic! :D
KJHWCCS chapter 1 . 9/29/2004
woah...i CAN'T believe it took me so long to find this fic! XD terry and tamaki are my ULTIMATE fave pairing! the two are so cute together X3 this fic was so sweet, it kind of makes sense that the two would suddenly see one another in a different light at one point or another. you made their actions and thoughts VERY believable and that's something most frist-time romance writers fail to do. i especially enjoyed the ending when the other chojins started taunting poor terry, they'll never grow up XD i definitely think this sports a follow-up _

oh yah and the piccy you drew of terry and tamaki dancing on dA is extremely cute, i really love how you did tamaki's hair :D
Hengrenade chapter 1 . 5/22/2004
Sorry if I reviewed it just now. Anyway, I like your style of writing and I REALLY liked the story.
sweet-ruriaka55 chapter 1 . 4/30/2004
hah! never knew you were capable of romance... please make more! and you know... the plot is kinda familiar... but please update! _
The Great NeoDragon chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
This fic is squishilicious and adorable! Terry and Trixie were both very well in character, and it even managed to draw out an "aww! X3 " from me, which can be a hard thing to do in fanfiction. Sometimes it can be overdone and lose the cuteness entirely. Fortunately, this fic has just the right amount of sweetness! Excellent job!
Wild-Roze chapter 1 . 2/3/2004
*Starts making small incoherent sounds of glee* Wow, I'm guessing this is a one parter? If it is, WRITE A SEQUEL! if it isnt, WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER!
Aw, i could see it all, i only just watched ultimate muscle, and this has made me SO hyper!
Lol, anyway, this is fantastic !
Sailacel darkness chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
Are you one of the few people who like Terry/Trixie? Yay! I do too! I hope you write more to this, even though I like sticking Terry with my own creations, Trixie is the best bet Terry has in the sect. Please write more, I beg of you!
Kiosha chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
Nice job i can so see those two together. This is Kio's sister Gin. Nice job!
Unnoted chapter 1 . 11/21/2003
Thats soo cute, I can really see those two becomming a couple in the show. You really should add another chapter or make a sequal _
Mrs Kinnikuman chapter 1 . 10/25/2003
I am the wife of Kid muscle. Roxxane. I love the story and i did get married to Kid. It was brilliant. Please make more!

MiserableGerm chapter 1 . 9/25/2003
Very good!
yamitammy chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
That was sweet. Terry and Trixie do belong together.
Casey chapter 1 . 9/11/2003
Great job! Terry Kenyon is so cute it's almost scary, he makes a cute couple with Trixie, and there's not enough romance fanfictions of Ultimate Muscle, or at least that I know of. I think you really kept all of them in character, and I hope you continue soon! Keep at it!
Son Rhandi chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
Now, I'm not much for romance, but this fic is touching enough that even someone as cold as myself can say 'aw'. Your descriptions are wonderfully vivid and well, I honestly believe you're a genius. Keep up the awesome work.