Reviews for In Secret
TheLoneDerangerAzL chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
I always come back to this story because it is truly a gem. You said you've finished it because you able to make it til chapter 9. Man it's almost 13 yrs, it feel so sad that you have forgotten this beautiful and wonderful work of your, (yeah I am exaggerated but that's true) I hope you'll find your way back and finish this story. Again,thank you for sharing it with us.
TheLoneDerangerAzL chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
So bad, it's been 13 years. How dare you to leave a very beautiful and great fanfic like this? You made me cry. Sorry for the rant, but honestly you're amazing. Hope that one day you'll come back and finish this fic. Thanks for sharing great fanfic of yours to us.
shuyuejia130414 chapter 9 . 7/1/2016
I know its a damn 11 years since the last update and im 37 years old now but i just recently found this site and im suddenly addicted with it because it become the only place i can imagining myself and read several awesome story based on my favorite pair/Ship, and Quistis was one of my favorite female heroine and its kinda annoyed and dissapoint me greatly how Squall can end up with whiny brat like Rinoa since i find Quisty was more mature and perfect for him but well thanks for this site i can imagining Squall and Rinoa relationship not work like the fairy tales, so Thank You for writing this fanfic and also to all the wirter in this site who write a story based on my favorite Pair.
ajohnson1782 chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
I like this story please finish it
Toupswarrior chapter 9 . 11/28/2015
I know that this is probably a forgotten relic of your time, but I just wanted to compliment you on a well thought out story with plenty to keep a reader going. The flow was nice, the misspellings didn't detract and the writing was tasteful.

So if this finds you,

Thank you.

A reader
kurotenshi-08 chapter 9 . 9/3/2015
This is such a great story, it's a pity you never finished this. I love how you wrote their relationship, how Irvine sees it, and above all I love how private everything is. I can imagine their relationship being something like this even if it wasn't something that went against the rules, seeing as I find them to be people that would like their privacy. I hope you one day decide to continue this.
KainsLance2013 chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
Wow... This is one of the few fanfics that got me hooked from the beginning. I love this. You did good, though I doubt I have to say it!
cerespallas chapter 9 . 9/22/2012
I really like this story. I don't know how I can't find it before, but it's a beautiful story with intriguing plot and I like the way you describe the characters' feelings and emotions. Thank you for writing it, and whenever you want to update, I'm going to read the next because I think I'm in love with it :)
Jupiter's Promise chapter 9 . 1/30/2011
I'm rereading this again, and enjoying it all over again. Yes, the whole amnesia thing is a soap opera classic, but the interaction and the dialogue and everything is just so nice that it doesn't bother me in the least. As then, I hope this story may be finished someday, but I realize its been 6 years and maybe this review won't ever find you in the first place! If you never write again, know that your work was greatly appreciated. If there's any thought in your head of working on this after all these years, know that it would not meet with apathy.

In any case, good job, and thanks putting as much into this as you did.

P.S. I think you were too hard on yourself re. the last chapter. It was fine! Drama and transition are hard to do! We've all got to bring it home somehow.
astre chapter 9 . 1/9/2011
please please update! ive been pining for this story for so long now...i hope you update. at the very least...please finish the story...
Ambivalence0 chapter 9 . 3/30/2010
I spent the last couple hours reading this wonderful story. I must say you are a amazing writer! Too bad it is a shame you haven't written in quite a few years. (

Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for writing this, even though you didn't finish. It was brilliant throughout!
countesst chapter 9 . 3/29/2010
Hi! Are you still going to continue this story? I hope you do. Oh and this isn't terrible at all. Please update real soon 'cause quall fics are getting less. Sad. BTW, I'm not here to bully you into updating. :)
anonymous chapter 9 . 6/30/2009
Hey, I know this is an old story but I just wanted to drop a note saying I really enjoyed reading it. I was a quall fan years ago when I first played FFVI and I just recently drudged it out to play with a friend. I don't know how I missed your story the first time but I sincerely enjoyed it this time around. One nitpicky thing I thought I'd mention is that Squall's gunblade doesn't actually fire. The trigger simply causes a small burst that rocks the blade, making the blow more damaging. But that's just a nerdy sidetrack. You do a great job of portaying the romance with tenderness, rather than cliche. I also appreciated the humor and you dealt with Rinoa well, which most people don't bother to do. Though I would still have enjoyed reading the scene in which things finally dawn on Quistis, I understand that sometimes you just can't write anymore. Thanks for writing what you did. It was a pleasure to read.
Final Fight chapter 9 . 6/25/2009
Terrible chapter? Psh! This was one of the best!

Hmm... reviewing a story that has no chance of ever being finished... I may be losing my mind... but... nah, I do this occasionally. This was, all-around, pretty good. I have a general distaste for fic that feature memory loss as a main element of the plot (or even worse, as a crappy climax), but after rolling my eyes several times I kept reading, and it was worthwhile(ish - since you never did finish this fic). Even the mildly AU and somewhat annoying basis of the (original) underlying conflict - their marriage needing to be kept secret, was pretty much ok. The lack of major parts for most of the other characters, and the weird, stifling atmosphere left me incredulous for large parts of the fic, but what made me keep reading was the writing. That scene of Squall washing off Quistis exemplifies a lot of your best qualities: immediacy, sensuality (in both an aesthetic sense and a more sexual one), flow, and verve. Obvious flaws did mar the work at times, including errors in continuity (Squall saying I love you in a flashback that takes place before his proposal - I suppose that that could be possible in the strictest sense, but it didn't seem correct - and that wasn't the only time), and grammatical errors.

Nothing hurts this more than the fact that it wasn't finished of course, and it seems odd that it wasn't. This could have been wrapped up in two chapters, maybe three or four. But hey, fics don't get finished, it happens. And you got a ton of reviews for just 9 chapters (of a fic in a fandom with few people, and with a pairing that is grossly underrepresented) so you can be proud of that accomplishment.
cvhu89 chapter 9 . 1/18/2009
the whole story,as well as the chapters, are fantastic! and it disappointed me that you stop at the beginning of the climax [ but its up to you. Just wanted to say that I give this story two thumbs WAY WAY UP! You are certainly a gifted writer and good luck with your future endeavours. it would be nice to know what happened next P

p.s. i knew rinoa was good for nothing P lol
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