Reviews for Tenuous
kmsaum chapter 1 . 6/22/2010

Are you a teacher?
BabyBeaver chapter 1 . 3/16/2010

I wasn't entirely sure who we were talking about here, until the whole "she was my miracle baby" part.

Really well-written, as always! And great choice of character. We really don't see the parents' opinions much, in the show or in fanfiction. Very nice!
Dawns Heart chapter 1 . 3/2/2007
You're right. I don't think I've ever read this person's POV before. It's an interesting concept to consider. The lines that really get me are these:

"Those stories on the news, they were always just stories. Sure, I felt bad for whoever had lost a son, a father, an aunt; but I felt bad the same way I feel bad when reading books about the Civil War, or the conflict in the Far East. It's chilling stuff, but I have no real personal stake in any of it. It doesn't affect me or my little corner of the universe. Sure, I can feel sad about it. Sorrow is something I can do, however mild, but fear never came into it. Grainy pictures of flags and soldiers in khaki uniforms didn't inspire me to feel fear.

Now I feel it. Cold, visceral fear, like someone's punched me in the gut and ruptured my insides.

I'm afraid for her, for what will happen to her if she doesn't hide. I'm not ashamed of her, like she thinks. I just don't want all this to blow up in her face. I don't want her to pin all her hopes on this Xavier and his school. He can't change her that way. He can't make her a new person, or give her a completely new, improved life like she wants. He's some kind of teacher - a guide in this new world she's become a part of. Whatever she builds in his school won't alter the fact that she's an Illinois girl, with an Illinois home and an Illinois family who love her so very, very much.

I remember now, one of the things I said in that argument. It may have been what made her leave so abruptly. You see, I told her that, in life, she should at least *try* to fit in. She shouldn't try to be special or distinctive. I can see how that would hurt her - she's so proud now of what she can do - but she left before I got the chance to finish. I want her to fit in, not because I care what the rest of the world think about her, but because if she doesn't then they'll destroy her. They'll take who she is, and they'll string her out to dry, because that's what 'they' do"

"We don't live in a perfect world, we live in one that hates and fears what it doesn't understand. This world, this place we live in is dangerous for people who dare to be different, however unknowingly or unwillingly. I don't want you to be hurt or killed just because of who you are.

This is a world where old women are murdered in their own homes, all for a few measly coins that wouldn't buy a hotdog from a vendor. This is a world where Kitty Genovese was allowed to die in a well-lit residential street, in front of thirty-eight people. This world is not a nice place beneath the surface."

Those wordsreally hti the nail on the head, and offered a new viewpoint. It was inspiring, and eye opening.
pxlenno chapter 1 . 5/27/2006
Wow, that was a unique idea.. :] That was amazingly written...
Winter Bean chapter 1 . 1/28/2006
oh wowe its good

Lou chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
Oh, goodness, me! I could almost feel the absolute hurt Kitty would be feeling when/if she read this. It's so sad, but so true. Is she something other than human? I've always wondered that - like homo sapiens are different from...homo superiors?

It's so sad about her mother, though. Her father, too. Aww, I just wanted to tell her it's either okay to be selfish, or sock it to her and tell her it's not.

...Given the choice, would you hide from the world, or try to change it? Is that a good or a bad thing?

Anyway, "Is there even a word beyond surreal?" - Man, I could feel her pain.

Great take!


(Wonder what Kurt's parents would've thought?)
Reviewer chapter 1 . 6/3/2004
this is really interesting. i've never even heard of a fic with Kitty's mom as the main character-i've never read a fic with Kitty's mom in it at all. glad to see one of the neglected Evolution characters get some screen time. great job.
Ambrosia chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
"someone's punched me in the gut and ruptured my insides." Oh. She's all with the eloquent motherly language, and then here's this stand-alone sentance/paragraph. Gut. It really stands out, doesn't it? It's such a... banal word. And, almost vulgar. low-brow. strange, amongst all the tongue-in-cheek maternal explanation. But, I think it's good. yes, ur version of kitty's mother is good, she has a strangely almost jaded insight into it all - the Difference - and because they're jewish *one* might feel compelled 2 make the easiest presumptuous jump in the world and assume that she had family who lived to speak of the horrors of the holocaust..? Explaining things makes it all easier, but also more layered and understandable. maybe. But still, if ur into overlooked characters, what about Fred, the Blob? no one Sees him even though he's so big. And he *is* There, but save for that horrible ordeal with his *poor lonely obsessed vulnerable kidnapping violent doofus* stint when he was new, we never got the chance to Know him. And that's a terrible shame, isn't it..?
The Phantom chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
Applause, applause, applause. TEN MILLIONS POINT FOR USING MRS. PRYDE. Incredible.

Really great, you just gave her a fabulous character. Seriously. I love it.


~ Phantom
ezrajade chapter 1 . 9/27/2003
Awesome story. Truly original and insightive. I love your stories, as always, and I can't wait til your next one
Yma chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
Sorry this took I took so long to review this, guess I've been kinda busy. But, yeah this was VERY good, very interesting. In fact I think it's one of my favorite stoies to date, I like the look into Kitty's character from her mother. It kinda says a lot of new things about her but still fits into her personality... and it's good to see an 'average' parents view of the world, I can imagine them thinking that. So yeah, this was awsome, beautifully written, I can just picture her mother saying/thinking this stuff. Well done, Scribs. I'm gonna read your X2 fanfic now (I seemed to have missed that one as well) and possibly Judgment day too...
The Spammer chapter 1 . 9/23/2003

It's so beautiful!
UnknownSource chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
your right i had no idea who that was until you can right out and said it. Interesting choice, dont think it's ever been done before and i doubt many will do it afterwards, which is good because they'd just embarass themselves trying to compete with this. I liked how Mrs Pryde was normal, she was like any other true parent who cared for her kids. I particularly liked the line "I'd rather have a safe, 'normal' daughter, than a special dead one." it sort of summed the entire story up.

Mrs Pryde's reaction's were so normal and that's what struck me about this fic, i could actually see my mum (and no doubt other readers could too) standing where Mrs Pryde was saying the same thing. As well as that this is a sort of look at Kitty's character too, the anorexia and bullying and just giving Kitty a little bit of a background which many people tend to neglect. All in all a very well layered deeply thoughtful story that not only reflects the characters in it well but real life too. Sehr toll!
Fantasy Cat chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
oh crap! I dont have a thousand gold bars! am i gonna go to jail?
Neva chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
Beautifully done. I like how you captured all sides of the difficult position that this puts parents in. The fandom needs more stories from the POV of ordinary humans. Keep it up!
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