Reviews for All Will Be Revealed
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
Don't need Snape meets Sherlock... they are the same person !

But thanks for the story x
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
Why not call the aurors? Most illogical to jump to Sherlock Holmes first.
JD chapter 39 . 7/26/2014
While I liked the idea of this story there is something missing from it. I didn't particularly care for the Druids (nothing against druids I just found them a tad annoying and out of place) but I found overall a lot lacking and the characters felt a bit flat, you definitely had the space to make them less wimpy (for lack of a better word). It sounded good in the description but was just a bit disappointing, though I'm sure less picky people would like it just fine.
Other chapter 12 . 10/6/2013
I am having a hard time reading this, not that I cannot understand or comprehend it. No, I expect the characters to be better than they are. They are too dumb compared to what they should be. I feel bereft from your writing, and shall cease reading reading further.

And for god's sake, stop using the word luncheon. I can only see one character using that word and that's Malfoy-no one else-because he is a slimmy, upper-class, lack-wit twit. Even then, I think he would only say "luncheon" to purposely annoy someone... like Granger. "Oh Mommy dearest, we must luncheon with the Minister on the morrow." Yep, that would piss me off quite well.
Harriverse chapter 39 . 7/3/2012
Thank you for introducing me to The Hive. Too bad it closed so many years ago. I'm currently reading Ms. King's latest book.
MoreThanSirius chapter 39 . 9/9/2010
Hi, Dame Niamh!

This week's theme on the SSHG Quiz on LJ is Crossovers. Severus and Hermione are meeting all sorts of interesting characters! Your story, All Will Be Revealed, is featured as quote #9 along with a link to your story here on FFN. Please accept our SSHG Quiz Featured Author banner as our thank you for you incredible work merging Severus and Hermione with another world.

Your Featured Author banner


Come play the SSHG Quiz!


Thanks for your delightful story,

Therese (morethansirius)

SSHG Quiz Mod
purrfus chapter 3 . 10/15/2009
I felt kinda sorry for Holmes, and then a bit more for Snape. Very well done.
purrfus chapter 2 . 10/15/2009
When my friend suggested I read this story my first reaction was Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes - not so much.

But I started reading and was delighted to see Russell and Holmes, and fanfiction.

I am now very much looking forward to more.
Satan'sPixie chapter 3 . 10/9/2009
Lol, that's an encounter that many would pay to be able to see!
MsTree chapter 39 . 5/8/2008
I read this story and enjoyed the concept. However, at this point in time (8 May 2008), chapter 8 is not coming up. I keep getting the message that Internet Explorer cannot find the page. All the other pages have come up just fine, but I feel like I'm missing part of the story with an entire chapter missing. Snape's in the infirmary and Holmes is demanding an explanation from Hagrid then all of a sudden, Snape's out of the infirmary. What Happens?
Contemplations chapter 39 . 7/10/2006
And to only have a bit over 150 reviews! You deserve a THOUSAND more!This is an amazing piece of fanfiction! I loved it! I must admit...I was a bit confused in the beginning but after I kept going, I couldn't wait till I read the next chapter! Now, I'm literally dying to find my Sherlock Holmes collections I know I've put away somewhere in my basement. Can't imagine why though. :]
Munching Munchkins chapter 3 . 4/5/2005
Delana chapter 39 . 1/2/2005
Excellent, excellent fic! I loved every minute of it. The grammar was what really got me. You also made the characters so real that I couldn't help imagine I was there.

Maddy-Riddle chapter 39 . 12/18/2004
I like the story a lot!

Great work.
Maddy-Riddle chapter 25 . 12/17/2004
I feel sorry for not reading this in a while... I was waiting for the holidays to continue.

Well, just wanting you to know that I'm reading. ;)

Oh, BTW, Schelechtglaube indeed! hehehe. Good choice of surname :P

*goes back to read the story*
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