Reviews for Flowers in the Windows
sigil novice chapter 9 . 6/12/2019
so dissappointed when chapter 10 is listed but not printed, what is the idea of that
sigil novice chapter 9 . 5/10/2019
the story end there you are kidding aren't you
Samson and Delilah chapter 9 . 10/5/2013
So, since you haven't updated in nearly a decade, I'm just going to assume that that the scenes in the mirror were just a stimulus for Sophie to realise her true feelings for Howl. Sophie also learns that although destiny is headed in the direction of the scenes that she saw, destiny can be changed and stuff and saves Howl before he dies. I don't mind if one of them get's injured to make it a bit more dramatic and less anti-climatic but no dying - please and thank you

Honestly, thank you for the story, I've really enjoyed it and your writing style is splendid :)
UPDATE chapter 9 . 6/30/2013
UPDATE! Update update update update!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/31/2012
You better not have just killed Howl! I will be really miffed if it turns out you did. Have him just be wounded and then Sophie comes and heals him or something. Howl and Sophie MUST end up together! They'er like peanut butter and jelly. They have to be together.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/31/2012
You better not have just killed Howl! I will be really miffed if it turns out you did. Have him just be wounded and then Sophie comes and heals him or something. Howl and Sophie MUST end up together! They'er like peanut butter and jelly. They have to be together.
aye-know-hah chapter 9 . 5/28/2011
Just stumbled upon this gem today, and what a treat it was. It would be miles better if there was a continuation! But seeing as the last update was some time ago, I won't hold my breath for a conclusion. maybe one day well be lucky enough for an ending.
Kaitou Jareth chapter 9 . 7/9/2010
I was perusing the DWJ archives one weekend and I found this brilliant piece of writing. I read through it immediately, reached the end of the ninth chapter, and...there's no more? This saddens me, it really does. A six-year hiatus is a loooong time, especially for a work this captivating. You truly have an innate talent of capturing the intricacies and intimate details of the characters you write. Please don't abandon that.

From the depths of my heart, and to echo your other devoted readers, please come back! We're all waiting for more.
LittleRit chapter 9 . 2/10/2009
This a real gem of a fanfiction. I cannot believe you have not updated since 2003. Thats insulting to this story.

*sends a sophie frying pan your way*

Anyway. This story is great, I am completely enthralled. Please do not abandon it any longer, please please send some TLC and chapters it's way - it's far too good to be left unfinished!

Lots of fanfic love,

scubarang chapter 9 . 11/26/2007
No update in over 3 YEARS, I sadly accept that there may never be an ending for this enchanting story with a dreadfully sad cliffhanger. I have no hope for an update. I may slime at any moment.
FlaviusD chapter 9 . 9/20/2007
I have never read something as fascinating as this. Brilliant work! You're way with words and twisting of the events has glued me to the computer screen, when I should be studying for my art history exam. I have fallen in love with this story and grew saddened when I noticed it hasn't been finished.

Well in the end, it was by far the best Howl's Moving Castle story I have read so far.
Lup chapter 9 . 9/20/2007
How does this always happen, the best part is about to come out, yet it's a cliff hanger ...and it hasn't been updated. Oh the cruelty of it all!

I do hope you update this is the most beautiful story I have read!
Christine chapter 9 . 4/10/2007
PLEASE UPDATE! I need to know what happens next! Howl can't be dead! PLEASE UPDATE!
prettyinpinkgal chapter 9 . 12/24/2006
Oh dang it, why is it that the good stories never get updated in years! PLEASE UPDATE! I NEED to see what happens next! I'm like Sophie, I refuse to believe Howl's dead! Update!...

ficfreak94 chapter 6 . 11/19/2006
I love ur story!so plEASE DON T STOP NOW!

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