Reviews for Room For Rent
Shadow fairy princess chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
I think that the first chappter was kwal I Can't wait 2 know what happends next
Schizo-of-Destiny chapter 13 . 12/22/2006
Even before I registered here, I've been reading this story for many years. I think it was my first shounen-ai story here on The very website that got me hooked on shounen-ai and yaoi. I really loved this story back then and I still do. The brussel sprouts and spinach thing is brilliant XD Thanks for making my day! Keep up the good writing works!
Saori Aki Orimi chapter 7 . 5/18/2006
Of course it amuses some of us! It amuses some of us more than it ought to actually... O.o *laughs insanely* Wow... you prompted me to review BEFORE the last chapter...

Heheh, I just wanted to say that I LOVE the rating-boosting Malik and Mariku!
TheBaconLord chapter 9 . 3/5/2006
What does "Daisuki yo" mean?
lukomouse chapter 13 . 7/12/2005
It was 1:45am... 1hour and 30 minutes (maybe more) and two cups of hot choclate later I finished reading this. It's 3:15 right now... mph. I'm not tied because I just drained a cup of hot chocolate in 40 seconds. I loved this! Now I will read the sequel!
Crin chapter 11 . 6/19/2005
AH NOT THAT EVIL SONG AGAIN! Im refering to the one that Marik sang...our EVIL choir teacher made us sing the WHOLE SONG 5 TIMES A CLASS! Its a great song...but after the millionth time YOU WANT TO STAB YOURSELF WITH A POINTY PENCIL! It was especialy evil when after throwing a paper wad at the class Anzu (the goody-goody we all hate) I had to go up in front of the class and sing that HORRIBLE SONG OF DEATH...but the boys sang along with me so it wasnt to bad _ oh, and I really love your storys especily you Fullmetal Alchemist! As a matter of fact...could you PLEASE write a FMA truth or dare fanfic? PLEASE! I KNOW IT WOULD BE AWESOME SINCE YOUR SO GOOD AT WRITING (yes I am trying it working yet?)
aquastar chapter 13 . 3/22/2005
(stary eyes) i loved this story its the best one all of your storys are funny and i like reading they lots
BxRstoriesROCK chapter 13 . 10/3/2004
Okay, that, was strange. HOw weird did you want to make Marik? and how weird did you want to make EVERYBODY? cute, though. I have abousolutly no idea what i think, and even less of an idea on how to spell 'abosolutely'...
Hatsumi Narita chapter 9 . 9/5/2004
lmao ryou's dad is awsome good job no the chapter
Hatsumi Narita chapter 5 . 9/5/2004
hahha i like this story good job on it,can't wait to see the hook up of ryou and bakura hahha
Shigure chapter 1 . 9/3/2004
Aki..? Was that...? Anyway, I finally read the first chapter like you've been bugging me too! Ryou eats raisins? Eeww...raisins...they WATCH you. I thought that it was cute! I wish my internet worked so I could read it away from school but..It's great!
Hedi Dracona chapter 4 . 8/21/2004
Umm. . . . . . Ryou isn't that violent. . . . . . . .
Obscured Illusions chapter 13 . 7/5/2004
Yay! I love this story. It's so funny! I think I have 3 of your stories on my favorites list... _ but now I get to put you on author alert/fave authors list! _ yay! (can u tell I h ave fun saying that? ) Well, I'm off to read more! Yea! Have a carrot sandwich.

citcat-chan chapter 13 . 5/11/2004
Aw... you can't write yaoi? ( Poo. Hehe great storie! )
Prince Chameleon chapter 13 . 4/10/2004
Please make a sequel! I must have more! PLEASE! ONEGAI! Oh, and please put more Mariku-sama in it please please please? *makes Yuugi eyes*
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