Reviews for Cherry Waterfall
InkBloter5 chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Nice opening to the fic but why are you breaking up parts by labeling them. We know who the characters are or researched them to get a general idea of what each person is like. Just keep going no need to break it up by labeling who is saying what.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/18/2012
Love the story, but the grammar nazi in me is screaming about quotation marks. I think adding those would have made it much better.
shin-jim99 chapter 18 . 3/2/2011
Wonderful story, happiness overcoming sorrow. I can easily imagine Kaworu and Shinji like this. I do have a problem imagining openminded, non-homophobic Texans, though...
Nelotizapu chapter 19 . 4/27/2010
Did this fic used to have quotation marks? I've read it at least a couple times, and I remember it being awesome, but then recently I went to reread it, and was very confused. I don't remember it being so hard to follow, which I can only attribute to the lack of quotation marks.

It's very unfortunate, because I want to reread it, but... so confusing!
NightlyDreamer chapter 19 . 10/13/2009
Wll, I read this story all the way through, and I've gotta say, that was really quite brilliant! I found myself really worried for Kaworu and Shinji at some point, but I really love how you ended it. You did an awesome job!
000BlOoDy BrIlLiAnT000 chapter 19 . 7/6/2009
two words-


(for a wonderful story)
Kidiu chapter 19 . 6/22/2009
Oh, this story was just so lovely! I absolutely loved it. it had sad moments, funny moments, and just plain cute moments! I'm glad of how everything turned out, really glad. I mean, the show pretty much killed love for Shinji, and the death of Kaworu was just plain sad, so I'm glad of such a story as this. Happy endings rock!

Anyway, thank you for writing and finishing it, I can only imagine the pressure of writing something so long!
the-famouse-anon chapter 19 . 4/17/2009
i luv luv luv luv your story it so cute i almost cried
kattastic999 chapter 1 . 4/10/2009
i love this story
StrawHatterAlice chapter 19 . 7/16/2008
umm... this is my first time reviewing a fanfiction... sorry if I blather on a bit... w and sorry for reviewing something so old...

I just finished reading all of "Cherry Waterfall" and I wanted to say that I really liked it. I truly think you captured every character's personality seamlessly right from the get-go. x3 I don't write (I'm not very good at writing for fun...) but I've certainly read my fair share of fics. xD I just wanted to say that this was definitely my favorite story. (I know I must sound stupid... please bear with me... /
Trip chapter 19 . 5/2/2008
Hi there! I just finished your story. I've been reading it gradually over the past few weeks. Can I just say that this is THE best Shinji/Kaworu fanfic I have ever read! Your continuity with the series was very impressive. Your use of internal dialogue for each individual held true to their original characters. The plot of the story was obviously well thought out and organized in a coherent manner. You did a great job of evoking several emotions in your readers; love, hate, sadness, and elation. Needless to say that you made this Shinji/Kaworu fanboy very happy. Overall, a fantastic story and a treat to read. Thank you so much!
kapslar chapter 1 . 4/3/2008
"It looks like a see of liquid white, almost as pale as his skin." (It should be changed to "sea"). Oh, and Shinji DOES know why Rei was "alive", after Ritsuko showed them the clones, right...? Or did he block that from his memory? It's possible.

Hmm~. I'm liking this, but I can't help but think that it would be better in third person. Ahh, I'd write more, but I have to go to school now. D:
creativesm75 chapter 19 . 3/31/2008
Teajava chapter 19 . 12/3/2007
Alright... I know this story was written a long time ago. But I'm going to reply anyway, since I just found it today.

PERFECT. Just plain perfect. I very much enjoyed the multiple POV's and your writing style in general. And I of course loved the Kaworu/Shinji romance. Certain elements of the story seemed a bit extreme to me, but then I reminded myself it was an Eva fic. If the story had continued past the last episode, I wouldn't put it beyond the writers to make something crazy like this happen.

But I digress... I could go on forever about specific elements that I loved. But I won't waste your time. Because all you really need to know is that this story was amazing.
Kerii-tan chapter 19 . 5/25/2007
XD This was just so plain cute, I loved it! XD I even cried while reading it. Pure awesomeness, this is so going on my favorites list XD
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