Reviews for Sing No Songs
honestly chapter 21 . 1/25/2018
this is the best dbz fic ive ever read. hands down.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/17/2017
I would love to see more of Vegeta and Levi, maybe in a sequel?
Writersblock42 chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
Wow that was amazing and depressing all at the same time.
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 5 . 8/25/2016
"Bra's youngest"? I didn't know she had kids! you probably should've mentioned that earlier.
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 3 . 8/25/2016
Is Goku there What about Chichi?
Vegetachik chapter 21 . 6/25/2015
It's so strange finally reading the end of this fic. It's been on favorites list for years and well...I just saw that it had been updated and it's really awesome to have read all the new writing. This story has always been an emotional one and one of my top go-to angst-fics. While the ending was kind of sudden, I still felt all teary when reading it. It's like an opening to an entirely new series: Levi and Grandpa Vegeta!

Awesome work. Your writing style is so freaking good and professional-I'm never disappointed.

I hope you continue to write!
jaydyn chapter 21 . 6/25/2015
This story was absolutely beautiful. Made me cry from the first chapter. I almost didn't read it after ulma died as i liked the saiyans and their families and i didn't want to read what happens to them next. Then I kept reading and loved it. I could totally see all this happening on the show too. Great read and I love your writing style!
heart-of-moonlight chapter 21 . 6/16/2015
Oh what... The end?...noooooooooooo

It really doesn't seem to be the end.. What happened to Pan? Goten?
Did Levi's relationship with Trunks get better?
Where did vegeta go with Levi?
What does vegeta feel about escaping death? Didn't he give himself up so he can die?

So many unanswered questions!

I understand that you may not want to continue the story.. Especially after such a long hiatus
Thank you for the great story!
First half made me cry buckets
It was awesome
Guest chapter 21 . 6/15/2015
This is one of the fics my thoughts have kept returning to over the years, during my inevitable returns to Dragon Ball fandom. I was young when I read it and it left such an impact on me, and it's pleasantly surprising to come back and find it finished, and not only that but just as enjoyable as it was when I first read it. The ending was a little on the deus ex machina side but I feel like that's in the spirit of Dragon Ball, in a way. It doesn't feel forced, it feels like... well, like magic really; there's an answer there but it doesn't need to be fully realised or explained, a concrete explanation is just out of reach and so the sense of wonder and mystery is preserved.

Thanks for updating and congratulations on completing the fic!
LiquidFang chapter 9 . 6/11/2015
I'm getting a depressing vibe from this story all the sad emotions its so depressing i can feel it
why is it so sad I'll keep reading though
silvia S.K chapter 21 . 6/8/2015
It's kind of sad it's the end and at the same time I'm happy it has an end.

It would never cross my mind the possibility of Goku-Shenlong help vegeta, but I was so sure Levi would have a hand in vegeta's rescue at the end

Aaaand he had what he wanted. I hope vegeta becomes a good grandfather to him.

Not really sure though what is Bra's plan at the very end when she says she has more to negotiate, if you can enlighten me?

Thanks for this story, I loved
MO-5431 chapter 21 . 6/7/2015
Neat story, I quite enjoyed it. Thank you very much for the entertainment, have a fantastic day.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/2/2015
So glad to see an update! Can't wait for the next chapters
silvia S.K chapter 20 . 6/1/2015
Yey! Thank you for the update!

Forgot to tell you in previous review how funny sounds "bra monique" to me everytime Alma says it xD Out loud laugh

Hmm, it seems like only a miracle can save vegeta now... Funny thing is that I was completely mentally prepared for his death untill chapter 18 and as the time comes closer I feel like "nooo vegeta, nooooo!"

Levi is keeping everything for himself, maybe he should say his thoughts...
warriorformerlyknownasprince chapter 19 . 5/30/2015
I love you're style and I'm curious to find out the end of the story. I'm really glad you are continuing it!
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