Reviews for Ririshii
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
Very nice. Its good to hear some good stuff about Tomoe. I'm a big KxK fan but I also admire TxK. Alot of the times when I'm looking up KxK stuff they end up bashing or end up not treating her with respect. O Anywho.. Forget my rant. Nice job once again.

Ari chan
Melitot Proud Eye chapter 1 . 11/11/2007
Ohh, a fanfiction from Tomoe's point of view? I like it - very much As always, you manage to portray the characters in the best way possible, respecting Watsuki-sensei's work and adding sweet, deep thoughts.

Well done!
DesertRose3000 chapter 1 . 7/10/2007
Tomoe must have felt great conflict in her heart because she had been prepared to destroy the monster Battousai. But then she saw that he was really just a confused and hurting boy. So then she goes from hate to pity and in the end, I think to love when she sees that he's not at all bad, just being asked to do bad things.
Landra Blaze chapter 1 . 6/6/2007
Sweet, but it seemed a bit like a peom
gure chapter 1 . 2/20/2007
Both this and its companion are lovely. I particularly like the sense of stillness. You really capture the quietness of the night, and Tomoe's pensiveness. Really beautiful.
kokoronagomu chapter 1 . 8/31/2006
so much was said... with so few words.

and shockingly few reviews! i understand that there are thousands of fics here and on other sites, look how long it took me to find your profile. i'm so glad that you are still writing... you do it so well.
Amberle-chan chapter 1 . 8/7/2006
I love this! It's very sweet and certainly shows how Tomoe's heart slowly changed toward Kenshin. Great one shot!
sueb262 chapter 1 . 11/14/2005
Oh, this is really moving, really touching. It makes my heart ache for each of them and for the both of them. Seeing him through her eyes really spotlights his vulnerabilities and youth.

Well done, indeed!
Wistful-Eyes chapter 1 . 12/5/2003
Yay! More Tomoe stuff. ' Once again, very nice writing, captured their personalities and actions pretty well.
BarbaraSheridan chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
you did a great job! I don't like Tomoe but I liked this story