Reviews for The Paladin Project
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13
Buffy-bashing Xander-wank
mendenbar chapter 23 . 7/25/2019
Don't know if you will ever read this after so long (I've been trolling for stories to read from the Dark Ages) but if you do, this is just FANTASTIC! What a great story. It didn't go anywhere I expected it to. And the range of characters you included? Just wow. Could have wished for a little more Angel but I can't complain even there. Thanks so much for writing and sharing it.
stylo1 chapter 2 . 1/6/2019
wow you really did just trow all kinds of fic together to get a super team dontcha
little-kingsfan2005 chapter 23 . 3/20/2018
An oldie but a goodie. I really enjoyed this story the first time I read it, and I continue to enjoy it every time I reread it. Keep up the good work!
Spartacus87 chapter 23 . 2/21/2013
I actually decided to join/register as a member SPECIFICALLY to review THIS SPECIFIC story but never got around to it until now. This was a masterpiece. I mean for one it is just flat out a great story.

Plus it "stars" my three favorite Angel/Buffy characters, Angel, Xander, and Faith.
Also for the shadenfreude part of me, I like that it was not very flattering towards Buffy (I mean it seemed like she always had to be right which pissed me off. I mean even in his OWN series Angel wasn't always right)

But what I really enjoyed was the different fandom crossovers element. I mean there were so many to count. A lot I recognized but some that I didn't.

Aside from some characters that were just mentioned by name but forget what fandom, I counted Angel/Buffy, various Marvel comics including Blade and Iron Man to name just a couple, Charmed, Stargate SG-1, Alias, From Dusk till Dawn, M:I, The Crow, James Bond/Ian Fleming, Tomb Raider, Witchblade, Vampire$, Highlander, and Arthurian lore/legend, with mentions of Die Hard, Roswell, and others. And those are just the ones I could figure out. If anyone wants to help me out with the ones that I missed that would be nice.

BUT that is all beside that point. Which is that, like I said, this was an AMAZING story from beginning to end. UNBELIEVABLE!

500 stars out of 500 stars.
Purple Mist chapter 23 . 4/6/2012
Is it just me, or did that chapter leave me with the feeling everyone, but Faith and Xander died? Would have liked to read another chapter to prove me wrong. T-T
Purple Mist chapter 18 . 4/6/2012
Okay, having finished this chapter -great surprise by the way- at this point I want to tell Faith to get over herself. If she and Xander are meant to be, it'll happen. If not, it's not because of whom he's related too and she used to be a floozy. Really girl, you're better then that.
Purple Mist chapter 7 . 2/19/2012
So far, this has to be the best Angel/Xander friendship fic I've ever read. I really enjoy coming across all the cool bad ass heros who 'would walk into hell with Xander.' I only know of a few and I have this urge to look up the others on Wiki just to get to know them and see how cool they are. If Xander and Faith end up together, and I think we're gonna 'cause I scanned the last chapter to make sure I'd have a happy ending to read, that's cool. Faith was cool until the Mayor got his claws into her. I like how you took care of Spike and I can understand why Blade took his head; this Spike was dangerous and not cool in any way so I wasn't sad to see him go via Sleepy Hallow style. To sum it up; really enjoying this fic and I can't wait to finish it and check out your other works.
Fayari chapter 23 . 6/18/2011
One of the better Badass Xander fics.
Tri-Emperor of The Twilight chapter 23 . 1/30/2010
Great story. Europe huh...? Wonder if they'll run into The Hellsing Organization's "Trash Man"?
firedrakegirl chapter 23 . 11/25/2009
Love it!
Hawklan chapter 21 . 11/13/2007
I really liked this story, a shame it wasnt updated in a long time
Betelgeuse084 chapter 23 . 1/3/2007
Not my favorite, but I've liked everything of yours I've read so far.
CrazyC87 chapter 23 . 11/30/2006
I like this story. It was really good.
Lord Master Omega chapter 9 . 6/3/2006
cool stories
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