Reviews for The Sword of Seijuro Hiko
Guest chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
Man, this got great! You can really see how your writing evolves in this story. The first few chapters were not written very well in my opinion, but the general plot was interesting enough to press on - and you got good - real good imo, and I‘m wishing you‘d update again sometime, but it‘s been a really long time now and I guess you‘ve moved on.
Feafea chapter 11 . 10/12/2014
*Knock knock*

where's the last 4 chapters? I'm counting on the rurouni kenshin movies to motivate you to update! :D
Guest chapter 2 . 1/6/2014
(Read in saracastic tone) wow, great work on chapter 2. If only the world knew that you could write FanFiction and kiss ass at the same time. Hiko may be the best in little old Japan, but Roranora Zoro is the best in the world! Except for Dracule Mihawk, of course.
vinny valentino chapter 11 . 9/4/2013
Hey Justice, it's been a while yet again. It seems I come around every 4 or so years :P

And while this review is about 4 years too late and probably won't be seen by you, just want to tell you again how great I think this story is. BTW I miss the over the top, Hiko messing with the weather when he gets mad stuff. There wasn't anything wrong with it, was always amusing.

Well in case you happen to come across this review, hope your doing well, and I'll keep waiting for more chapters ;)
Feafea chapter 11 . 6/24/2011
But the blizzard has already lasted 1 year and 363 days! UPDATE PLEASE!
geckohawaii chapter 11 . 8/7/2010
Arh, the suspense! I hope you're just super busy and haven't abandoned the story, because it's amazing. I'll be awaiting Fulmination with baited breath. :)
geckohawaii chapter 8 . 8/5/2010
Oh, Hiko's flashback here is top-notch! Really well-written, and so in character! Him and Kenshin both. Sucks for Ayane . . . maybe?
Geckohawaii chapter 7 . 8/5/2010
Oh, nice fight between Hiko and Saitou! I guess Saitou's bound to get a few good hits in if Hiko's got the spins. :p
Geckohawaii chapter 6 . 8/4/2010
"It was a good night to get torched." Haha! I bet Hiko would be hella fun at a party! That's hilarious that Saitou mistakes him for Battousai.
Geckohawaii chapter 5 . 8/4/2010
I think I felt a physical *stab* when Hiko realized his dream was only a dream. And I like that you've mentioned that Kenshin couldn't remember feeling love before. While I think Hiko cares deeply for Kenshin, in his own eccentric way, I wouldn't associate the word "love" with his feelings. It just seems so . . . un-Hiko-ish.
Geckohawaii chapter 4 . 8/3/2010
I would just like to say that I LUV LUV LUV your Hiko! You've gotten inside his head supremely well I think. I just realized that although I've read this story through before, I only made one post, so I'm trying to add some more. PLEASE CONTINUE!
MoonClaimed chapter 11 . 7/17/2010
First off, I have to say, in the beginnin-what with the squirrels picking on Hiko and him picking on the squirrels and the squirrels laughing about it-my first thought was seriously, "...Hiko's a squirrel youkai...?"

Anyway, I love this story. You have a wonderful writing style and an interesting plot going. In the first few chapters I was afraid you had the time line messed up (Kenshin married to Tomoe but still in Kyoto), but then I realized that it was right-you just hadn't been clear on where the two where.

I really hope you do plan to complete this, even if it takes you time to put the next chapter. It would be a real shame for a story this good to cut off.
geckohawaii chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Okay, I see that you posted this forever ago, but I just discovered it.

Nice suspenseful intro! I think the "baka deshi" at the end works well, it shows the relationship between Hiko and Kenshin. The wording of the last sentence is a little clumsy. I think something like "and made ready for a murderous Kuzu Ryuu Sen, one that would . . ." would read better. I'm trying to offer some cc because I appreciate when people do it for me!

As an aside: I wish you owned Rurouni Kenshin too! Jinchuu arc would be AMAZING!
Saints-of-Los-Angeles chapter 11 . 12/6/2009
Wow, this is an incredibly good story. A little drug out in one or two spots, but still really well written. I thought I could see where it was going, but you kept catching me off guard with the twists in your story. Or, lack there of in this chapter. Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter, so I'm gonna be putting you and this story on alert. Hope to see your update soon.

~ Chow ~
Jarik Tentsu chapter 11 . 7/16/2009
Just reread this fic for the second time.

Jeez, only 120 reviews doesn't do it justice at all. This is one of the best written fics in the RK section of . I like your characterisation of Hiko, as well as the events of his journey.

That last chapter almost made me cry. X_X

Keep it up and update soon.

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