Reviews for The End of the World chapter 15 . 10/21/2015
This is a really good fic, even though I'm only reading the Ginny chapters and only skimming through the Hermoine ones and I'm desperately waiting for the Ginny Draco romance to begin! You do plan to finish the fic, don't you?
Goose chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
I am very grateful you don't own these characters...then the HP books would truly be ass.
Teapot Bunyip chapter 15 . 2/27/2009
... Don't suppose you're planning on updating your fics anytime soon? It's been 5 years on this one. :(

I live in hope!
helpless-romantic chapter 15 . 1/12/2006
Great story. Keep Draco's humor. Please hurry with the next chapter!
MalfoysGirl chapter 9 . 12/17/2005
omg i love it. Its a love connection
MalfoysGirl chapter 1 . 12/17/2005
Oh its sad you made me cry! literally
butterfly chapter 3 . 12/2/2005
O... So suspense full. You keep me hooked and I can't get away! Very good job.
Grint's 1 Girl chapter 15 . 11/4/2005
FREAKING AWESOME ! Those are the only words that come to mind. in the 50 or so Fanfics I've read this series definitely ranks among the top 3. YOU'VE DONE AN GREAT JOB !:)
imsoka chapter 15 . 9/15/2005
This fic is really good! Your characters are totally believeable and I'm dying to know what happens. I really really really want to know what some of the other characters are thinking, though - like DRACO.

yeah, um... Draco.

I desperately want to know what he's thinking and why he's helping and what happened to him. He seems so believeable I just really want the background. You mentioned something about a Draco chapter - yes, please!

Even without it though, this fic is great. Can't wait for the next installment.
Sarah Butler chapter 15 . 8/2/2005
I know you have probably received quite a few death threats, but i am sorry to inform you that i will have to go down the same path if you do not update your story! I fear i may lose my sanity with anticipation as this is one of the most intriguing fanfics i have come across. Please update!
xxxfire-feariexxx chapter 15 . 7/19/2005
hm, an interesting story. pretty good. keep updating.
fanficfanatic chapter 15 . 6/7/2005
AARGGH!The suspense is killing me,lol.I love the story so far.I know its cheating,but I read all the hermiones then all the ginnys, SHOOT ME:D
Eleatie chapter 15 . 4/23/2005
NO! This is the last chapter? I am going to DIE with anticipation. And there had better be a chapter about Draco too, missy ;)

Oh, incidentally, why is Hermione called Harry's girlfriend by Voldemort? Are they going out or is it just a slip-up by Voldemort?

And your characters aren't at all Mary-Sueish. I promise ;
Veroism chapter 15 . 3/11/2005
more please

pretty pretty please

i dont think i can stand having read another unfinished story.. especially when it was going so well!
sheya chapter 1 . 1/5/2005
Good concept. Good narration. One problem: I have a hard time buying your "drout". Five weeks of no rain is not a drout. Five months (depending on the season), yes, but not five weeks, even if the temperatures were in excess of 100 degrees fahrenheit. Also, I have a hard time buying Ginny's harrowing ride to london upon Ebony, but that's me.
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