Reviews for Sailing Away
mharawolenczak chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Beautiful story.
Moonim chapter 1 . 3/25/2011

Thanks for sharing :)
RogueNya chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
OMG that was so sad that I am crying, but it was so well written and speaks of how we all feel at what happened. Thank you for writing it.
Seed-of-Flame chapter 1 . 3/29/2007
That was wonderful. I could see it and it actually had me start crying a little.

Rock on Jonathan, Lucas will always help you to live on.
itstimefornewthings chapter 1 . 12/16/2006
Oh my ... ... that was so ... ... beautiful.

It is helpful for us who still struggle with his death to read stuff like this. Thank you for calling Jon a moron. It was stupid, what he chose. But still, I hope he has found happiness now. Lucas will remain forever, won't he?
jaydedangel69 chapter 1 . 1/7/2005
OMG! WOW! What you wrote was .I started crying the beginning & couldn't stop. It's what I've been doing for awhile now,since I first heard he was like so long ago,but the pain hurts like hard to read thru blurry eyes,but I you wrote was very special and was you.~Holly :)
dolphinology chapter 1 . 12/12/2004
I have read this story so many times and yet I have never reviewed. This is my favorite story about the pasting of Johnathan Brandis. I was shaking as I read it. It is such a powerful story. It's been over a year now and the pain is still here. Please continue to write. Without Lucas, he might be forgetten. Long live Lucas. By the way, the website that you mentioned is not displaying.
Emily chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
This was great. It made me cry quite bad that I had to stop reading for a little bit. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work
rochesters chapter 1 . 5/16/2004
I swore I reviewed this, but anyways. Like you I was sad (and shocked) to hear of Jonathan's death and this is a very touching tribute.
TeacherTam chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
You have me in tears. I am so sad at Jonathan's passing. Is it officially a suicide? The last I had heard, it was still under investigation, but they must have come to a decision by now. I hope that it wasn't suicide. It's so heartbreaking that he could think that there was no reason to go on. I actually feel a little bit personally responsible, if he really didn't know how much he was loved. You are right. Jonathan Brandis will live forever, through Lucas Wolenczak and SeaQuest, and we will never forget him. Especially once this fantastic series finally makes it to DVD. Thank you for sharing this with us.
By the way: great vocabulary usage with "soporific" and "clambered."
Gohanzgirl chapter 1 . 4/16/2004
I cried... I just found out today that Jonathan Died... I think I was still in shock till I read this then i just busted out crying... Im sorry its just... I didnt know till now... Man... He was such a beautifull person, not only on the outside... i just wish he could have been saved before he made such a decision im going to go wash my face now...
Diane chapter 1 . 2/15/2004
This was a very good tribute type story. I liked it. Jonathan was my first ever celebrity that I "fell in love" with. It's still a shock for me. All I can do is ask: WHY?
Very nice story.
Sirus chapter 1 . 2/1/2004
Touching, a fine dedication indeed
get-it-on65 chapter 1 . 1/1/2004
It's very sad when someone dies, it even more sad when a young person dies, who haven't really lived so much...but he did do a lot in the years he had...anyway, gr8 tribute, fic, I absolutly love the way you, showed how he was depressed over people holding onto lucas, and thinking of him as all he was, and maybe he thought, that's all i'll ever be, and couldn't change that, ‘In the 10 years we’ve known each other, I get the feeling they like you more’, truely thought provoking, and says much more than most tributes, but most tributes say we'll miss you, and this one certainly says that as well. Well, I'll cya later, keep up the good work, luv cesca, x
p.s. if you have time wud u mind reviewing some of my work?
Evil-Green-Marshmellow chapter 1 . 12/3/2003
This is really sweet. sorry it took me so long to review, i just wanted to get over the shock of what happened. Very nice fic
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