Reviews for Union
Herne chapter 11 . 1/18/2011
This is a good story.
jonayla chapter 11 . 10/24/2009
great story just like the other 2, its really a feel good story. great to read when you're in the mood for it :D
FirePhoenix86 chapter 9 . 3/2/2009
that was almost ridiculous how long that LOTR plug went on. lol, it made me laugh though...great job, i now remember reading this story, but i can't remember the last one, i think it's because i usually don't read unfinished stories, and that one isn't marked as completed. Now I check the last chapter now to see a The End or an author;s note signifying the end, but when i red this last time, i didn't do that so I'm guessing i didn't read it because i thought it was WIP still. You should fix
FirePhoenix86 chapter 2 . 3/2/2009
i loved Heidi's reaction to Nicolai! lol laughed my ass off ad almost choked on my sandwich...
Lantiin chapter 11 . 10/9/2007
Nice. I like. Time to Supaman that hoe.
Lantiin chapter 3 . 10/9/2007
"Psychochick and Casual Reader: You two were right. :-) Disclaimer: I did borrow this part of the plot from Michael J. Stackpole's Union. The reason I didn't disclaim this at the beginning of the fic was to allow the readers to have some fun discovering the borrowed elements. If no one had recognised it, I still would have disclaimed it at the end of the fic."

I like your story, I really do, but I have a problem with what you wrote as a answer to someone question. I strongly doubt you would of done that. Mainly because the first and second story has many references and has many similar (I'd say exactly alike as far as powers and and ascending is concerned) things that happen in Dragon Ball Z. Yet there was no disclaimer or reference for anything related to DBZ at the end, middle, or beginning.

I love your work though. Please write more HP stories, now that the series is over you have a chance to play around a lot more and experiement.
Enygma0713 chapter 1 . 11/29/2005
Ok, I spent all of my holiday reading your Trilogy and I loved it. I like the character development and cliffhangers. This series came highly recommended and I can see why. I hope Wolf's Bane is still in the works. But I had to give you a "Congradulations" on a excellent Trilogy
M2J MandalorianJedi chapter 11 . 11/13/2005
Great story, different from the rest but very good... freaky preview... but riveting.
GiGiFanFic chapter 11 . 5/13/2005
A marvelous imagination. I have thoroughly enjoyed all ,so ,far of your stories.I shall read,s Wolfs Bane next.I do not read to critique, ratherI read to "clear, sheer, enjoy".I am not a writer,per se, but I am a "story teller". My only critisism is against poor spelling,[no excuse for that these days], and rotton language skills which can completely ruin a sentence and inadvertantly, a whole paragraph,s meaning. I started" telling stories at 6, as I also have a vivid imagination, but, I would never even think of telling a writer what I thought might be wrong with their fic.I am blessed with the gift of reading for the sheer joy of it, so read a fic, as if it were perfect, as I don,t look for flaws. I would like to compliment you on the wedding service and the whole chapter as it was awesome. Thank you for such a great set of fics, and the best to you on your future as a great you so much,Jeanne.
King Dimension chapter 11 . 1/16/2005
Great story!
oreo-darcy chapter 1 . 10/27/2004

I actually read EaL, MW, and Union on PhoenixSong, and I read your remarks at the end. I am the type that only posts a review for a completed story/series after I have read them all, so I am reviewing now. I thought your stories were wonderful, although killing George in MW was very mean. I am not sure why many people didn't review on PS, but maybe they have a smaller fan base? Anyway, please don't be discouraged in any way by that, it DEFINATELY is not a reflection of your stories interest, ot your infinite talent.

I am going to read Wolfe's Bane now on FF (funnily, I looked at it one time months ago, much before reading EaL, and thought who are these weird new characters:))
Lipton chapter 11 . 8/8/2004
Beautiful wedding. And a nasty teaser for Wolfe's Bane. It'll have to wait for another day, though.
Lipton chapter 7 . 8/8/2004
Woho, bar fight!
Lipton chapter 6 . 8/8/2004
Holy Cow, what happened to Ginny?
Lipton chapter 5 . 8/8/2004
I should have known that this fic wouldn't be all fluffy.
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