Reviews for Torn
Guest chapter 2 . 12/25/2014
I completely agree with this ship and the PB fandom needs more slash like this. It's a great fic please write more :)
WrathWings chapter 2 . 9/29/2007
It clearly says slash in the summary so if you don't like slash, DON'T READ IT PEOPLE! GAWD! Anyways, this is amazing and I really want you to continue this. Please?
space case x827x chapter 1 . 9/27/2006
i love this story! please please please PLEASE update! finish it please!

rock on!
C-pon chapter 2 . 6/27/2006
Write more! Please! There's not enough Princess Bride slash on this needs more good fics like this one -

Btw, I've always imagined Ryan to look a lot like that. Nice -
Penwords chapter 2 . 6/11/2006
More please!

Westly/Ryan rocks my socks.
glassneko chapter 2 . 8/25/2005
1. Completely ignore anyone who doesn't like this based on the fact that it's slash. Fanfiction is fanfition so that you can write whatever _you_ want to write. Other people don't have to read it. Simple as that.

2. I love it, and would totally love you if you wrote more!
Angel with Painted Black Wings chapter 2 . 8/21/2005
Most enjoyable story. I await your next update.

x.crimeofpassion.x chapter 2 . 5/7/2005
I like this one. A lot. I wish you would have kept going with has a lot of potential.
princessbridefan chapter 2 . 2/27/2005
That was the SICKEST take on the princess bride I have ever read!

I have gay friends (best friends at that!) and I support gay rights, but please don't make my favorite character gay! That's just gross!

Please don't write any more (or at least if you do make it one of Rugen's sick dreams and Westley is really straight!)
licorice-sama too lazy to log in chapter 2 . 12/25/2004
wow. Short short stories have the ability to pack a punch. They have to- it's short.

I, for one, really liked it. Yes, plotwise it is a bit of a stretch, you're taking artistic license with chara descriptions (I do it too... it's more fun that way), and you're doing something controversial. *shrugs* You could always justify it by pulling a George Lucas and making Westley and Buttercup siblings. Or then you could do a wicked Angel Sanctuary parody, and that would really piss people off! (I'm getting ideas, and I'm loving it!)

Sorry for rambling, and I, unlike a few anti-slash/true love-shippers, am most impressed. There are a few technique problems I should go into, but it's late and I'm tired, and if you really would like the technical review, you can email me.

However, I do want to say I am satisfied with the way you are presenting the conflict. I think that it is reminiscent of Nora's internal conflict in "A Doll's House" but that could be because I had to read it for English this break. Her final acts are also very controversial, and yet I can still see her motives. I can see that with this, too. I think that that could be something you could really develop, that would make the plot all the stronger.

Well, I'm rambling and I should keep this short, but despite what the other reviewers may think- I loved it! (and it takes either a really good fic or a really bad one to make me review!)

Do write more, despite the controversy, I'll support you! And also...

*assumes the pose of an arrogant editor-in-chief of a high school literary magazine, complete with funky preppy hair and frilly seafoam shirt, looking absolutely bishounen, save for the fact the person in question can be quite... "difficult"* There's no such thing as love.

Luvs and Such, Licorice
beetle654 chapter 2 . 9/23/2004
Aw... poor Buttercup. Tsk, tsk, so it seems that the true love thing was all a sham. I knew it! "not one couple in a century has that chance!" Just kidding. Hmm... maybe both Westley and Ryan will return. Then Buttercup can have TWICE the fun. *tries to pry mind from gutter* Very good, an interesting story.

BTW, didn't Ryan leave BEFORE Westley?
A Believer- P.S chapter 1 . 8/17/2004

So you didn't portray him as a homosexual, you portrayed him as a bisexual. How convienvent. And the dream... sickening...

A Believer In True Love chapter 2 . 8/17/2004
H- How could you...

Normally, I let slash stories be. Okay, so someone portrays characters as homosexuals. And that always disturbs me, reading the summaries. But I say to myself, "Alright whatever my name is, get over the fact that some people are slashers, and that some people are gay! Nothing can be done to change them." I, infact, support gay rights... in a way that you should be free to love who you want.

And so I usually leave slash alone.

But not this time. Not in The Princess Bride. Involving either Westly or Buttercup that is.

It was true love that they held. True love that was between them. True love, that allowed Westly to stay alive until he could get back to his Buttercup. True love, that Buttercup almost killed herself because of. True love... not one couple in a century has that chance; and here you- you- you... you go killing it for the uses of fanfiction.

You cannot track it with a thousand blood hounds, and you cannot break it with a thousand swords. But apparently, you can break it with fan fiction. Because fan fiction is like neuclear power- it can be used for good or for evil. And you don't want to muck with it.

This is so horrible. I simply can not stand it. It's... inconcievable that Westly would love anyone but Buttercup... In /that/ kind of way, because of course he loved Fezzik and Inigo in a friendish kind of way... and he loved Waverly, his daughter, in a fatherly kind of way...

Please, for the love of... of true love.

For the love of True Love


~One Soul Believer In True Love~
Cloudburst2000 chapter 2 . 6/16/2004
Um...I don't mind slash stories, actually I quite like them. However, I cannot see Westley marrying Buttercup only to desert her. Westley isn't the type to do that. He would never have married her if he loved Ryan more. And if he did leave her like that, then he's just an ass and not at all like the Westley I came to love from the book or movie. The story itself isn't bad. I just can't see Westley running out on his wife. He's the kind of person who'd either have never maaried her in the first place, or if he had married her, he would have stuck by his vows out of a sense of obligation.
insanechildfanfic chapter 2 . 5/18/2004
this is great
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