Reviews for Hitman
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 20 . 5/17/2009
I'm glad they all survived and prospered, although it is too bad Harry hates his job.

I enjoyed following this story from its beginning until its end. It's been a pleasure.

-Snurre Tom/Skimbleshanks/AlienAgent
creativesm75 chapter 20 . 4/20/2009
nice fanfic
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 19 . 2/15/2009
Harry's solution to the fire was inventive, and I never expected something like Animagic. Interesting!

Dumbledore's death was worse than in the book! I am shocked by it.

I want to read the fourth book again, and maybe the first because yay, dragons! Not evil though, which I much prefer. One would think Draco the Dragon would know not to expose his throat to danger, but he is inferior in the head so I'm not surprised he didn't.

How will it end? I'll find out eventually.
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 17 . 11/7/2008
Goodness me. That's a sad fate for Neville. Good use of imagery with the blood and guts.
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 18 . 11/7/2008
Fudge never shows backbone. Good for him for changing his ways! Also a good cliffhanger. :D
Hawkins chapter 18 . 5/12/2008
Wow this is really good. The amount of plot twists are keeping it a thrilling read. Can't wait for more!
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 16 . 4/24/2008
As I first read this I noticed things I wanted to comment on and I don't know why I didn't just review right then. I apologize for leaving you hanging- I did actually read this chapter no more than two days after I got the alert.

"Where would I hide the Minister of Magic?" Classic. Very nice.

Finally, Dumbledore inviting Ron to call him Albus. Dumbledore annoyed me in the books and now that he is treating a student like the grown-up he is, well, my heart warms to him.

Draco's wall explosion: cinematic!

I do look forward to every chapter and it's an honour to begin counting down : D Just four more chapters, wow.
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 15 . 3/7/2008
A good addition. There were fewer run-on sentences so it was easier to read than the previous chapters. Hermione was well characterized except she totally would have been able to pronounce any designer's name, no problem. I like that Albus finally conceded someone else was right and less-than-legal measures had to be taken.

It was great to see this Alert in my inbox and I'm sorry I took a few days to finally read the chapter. It was certainly worth the wait though.

A good story so far it most certainly is.
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 14 . 5/21/2007
But surely Malfoy doesn't love anybody? Unless it's Lucius doing the ceremony and secretly using Draco. Is Mrs. Malfoy still around?

Didn't Hagrid's hut burn down?

I am excited for further plot thickenings. The Minister of Magic, a house elf? How can this be? I can't wait to find out.

Yay for the quick update.
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 13 . 5/21/2007
It's me, Skimbleshanks, the Railway CAT. My name is German now.

I was very excited to see a chapter alert for Hitman in my inbox a few days ago. I waited to read chapter thirteen until I had time to read the whole fic again though. Reading it was difficult- I kept wanting to comment and say that something or other couldn't happen because the books said it was impossible! but of course it wasn't impossible when you wrote the story. I think you maintained the tone of the story, although the mood is different, and you made fewer spelling and grammar mistakes. If you want to put up chapter fourteen soon I eagerly anticipate it, and if you're going to wait then I will anticipate less eagerly so that I won't be annoyed at the delay.

I was thinking that I really should catch up with this story for several days before the alert came. I think I stopped reading at about the same time you stopped writing, so I had been feeling guilty about not sticking with it, not knowing I needn't bother to worry about it. I was off the whole of the Interwebs at the time of course, but I'm certainly back on them now.

Keep writing! I must know who this second mole is.
The Unbearded Marxist chapter 1 . 8/9/2006
I like it. Have you read my story Hitman? Try it
Snurre Tom von der Eisenbahn chapter 11 . 12/22/2004
O, suspenseful! I can't wait for the update! I see I didn't review for last chapter, but I read it just now, and I'm glad I waited, because if I'd had to wait to read this chapter I would have been very cross indeed.

My name is rather odd, isn't it? It's from the musical CATS (yes it is supposed to be capitalized). Skimbleshanks is one of my favorite characters and he actually has a title. Plus his name, seeing as how it's so unusual, isn't really gender-specific, which is good 'cause I'm a girl. So that's why it's my penname.

So anyway, update soon!
Missy chapter 10 . 10/19/2004
I think this is a really good story and I hope that you continue to write more.
shnazzy jazzy chapter 10 . 9/4/2004
whoa! please continue!
PyroAndrea chapter 9 . 8/10/2004
Ron's not really dead right? You're going to finish this story...right? Come on, don't leave me hanging!
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