Reviews for Calling
Phoenix Flare 68 chapter 1 . 3/9/2012
This story was so touching... Hats off to you.
ZedPM chapter 1 . 2/16/2009

That was amazingly written, and I really am crying as I write this.

Redgirl44 chapter 1 . 7/30/2006
Wonderful. I really like your Marauder stuff, and this is pretty much my new favourite fanfic. I'm looking forward to more Remus! *hopeful*
Goodie2shoe chapter 1 . 4/6/2005
Wow! This story was amazing!

I particularly liked the parallels made between Remus's emotions as a human and his emotions as a wolf.

And your ability to create metaphore is extraordinary;

"the razor-edged dagger of loss twisted again"

I love this phrase:

"a tongue for which humans had long since lost the words; one that conveyed only the most basic of emotion, devoid of the ornamentation and clarity afforded by more intricate language."

The simplicity, truth, and sensitivity behind this line and the entire work is laudable.

You are a master wordsman.
kangaroo chapter 1 . 8/26/2004
Wow...I like. Very nice. Could really feel what Remus was feeling...understand his pain, you know?

I loved the wolf 'discovering' where he was and that there was no Prongs or Padfoot...I really, really liked that. And Remus thanking the wolf for showing him his 'reason'...Harry. It inspired me in fact.

Gonna look at your other stuff.

Love kangaroo
Crystal Madness chapter 1 . 7/23/2004
Oh wow...


I really liked that.
BlackPaws22 chapter 1 . 7/13/2004
Aw :( This made me sad! But I love fics that make me sad, like tradgedy or angst. This was so good! _ Lurv it!
minastargirl chapter 1 . 7/12/2004
I thought the story was exceedingly well written and that the "plot" (if you will) was very good indeed.

P.S. The line in my summary "and needs to woo said strumpet" is from the movie The Pirates of the Caribbean. It was said by Johnny Depp to Orlando Bloom in the middle of their swordfight.
Pooka da Chao chapter 1 . 6/27/2004
Definitely a touching story.

My only criticism is that you repeat yourself *fwaps self for even mentioning such things* a few too many times about Harry needing comfort. If you say something too much, it might lose the audience's attention.

But, MER-lin! (as my chars would say) Lovely story, keep it up! I'm off to read more of your stories!
Red Dragon10 chapter 1 . 6/27/2004
Hey, this is Silver Snake from , I saw your plea for attention, and so here I am._

'Calling' is well written and the grammar seems to be correct. I'm not sure why it has not been given the attention it deserves. I know that many authors are faced with the disappointment of no feedback..I am all the time, and it's quite crushing. 'Calling' has few faults; if I was being really critical I could say that it is perhaps melodramatic in spots..but that really is getting picky.

If I was you, I would try to promote my stories as much as possible, WITHOUT plugging them inappropriately. Post it in the 'authors recommend' forum at . Post it on , if it isn't already. Post it on any other Harry Potter fan fic site that you can find. Put a link to them in your signature.

I hope that helped a bit. You have excellent technical skills, and your mood/emotion is more or less on. It's the curse of 99 percent of us, my friend: writers are ignored, but for the precious few.
Tourmaline chapter 1 . 6/27/2004
Oh, gods... you made me cry, Luminary. That really isn't easy to do.

Kudos on a beautifully written, emotional piece. Hey, are you going to write any longer works?

RomanClassics chapter 1 . 6/25/2004
This is realy good. Will there be more because it seems like it's asking for a sequel.
Mrs. Fawkes chapter 1 . 12/28/2003
First off I would like to state how sorry I am that I have not reviewed earlyer! But anyway, I LOVE this story. The way you talked about Remus and the wolf. And they way you described Remus's/the wolfs pain of losing Sirius, his pack.
Also about Harry, and how Remus knows that he can't take James or Siriu's place, but can make his own. Listen to me, I'm just babbling.
You should write more! Please, :)
Mrs. Fawkes~
SiriusRemus Chick chapter 1 . 12/28/2003
This story only got ONE review? People these days . . . can't recognise a good story when it pokes them in the eye . . .
I loved the connection between the wolf and Remus - how the wolf mourned, how the wolf reminded Remus of Harry, ect. The story started off sad (I nearly cried . . . ) but ended in a satisfying triumph, a hope to live on, to persevere. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. *pokes* So you better keep writing. :)
Twigs chapter 1 . 12/18/2003
please tell me there's gonna be more. If I remember (which I hope I will, feel free to send me an e-mail to remind me) I'll recommend you to my readers. If u know any other Harry/Remus father stories- point in the direction. I'm trying to compose a list for my fans. If you like Father Figure, you should also check out...(list). I do read them first though and if they're bad I don't recommend them. Something about recommending a story I don't like- it gives me the chills. Keep up the god work- u're going on my favorites.
P.S. Check in for an update on Father Figure around the 28. Beta's outta town until then, but it'll probably be 2 or 3 chapters on the 28. Yay!