Reviews for The angelic demon
Majora's spawn chapter 6 . 3/8/2005
oh my god. i am down on my knees begging you to continue this story. there no way i could write anything as good as this for RE. i love how its going alone and at this point in time of the story im just dieing to know whats happens next. PLEASE CONSIDER IT. would you . please!

ether way im adding this to my favorite stories list.
Scorpu'la chapter 6 . 12/3/2004
You should continue this story.
mike chapter 6 . 10/23/2004
this story was great keep up the good work write more plz lots more
Zarbok chapter 6 . 2/25/2004
Not bad.
Shakahnna chapter 6 . 2/24/2004
I do enjoy the character switching here as well. It's nice to see the story from so many different angles. Each persons perspective filling up another aspect of the plot.
Descriptions were nice here too.
And once again the way Hazard and Lisa are just totally made me smile. Like it's just so completely lovely. The inner child in Lisa was completely spot on.
Shakahnna chapter 5 . 2/24/2004
Heya. hey you updated was starting to wonder where you had gotten to but tis always good to see a new chapter up.
Felt really sorry for Chris and the other stars guys who had been forced into talking to that moron Irons. Like you can see why someone might not belive them but the mockery is hardly neccessary.
And I just love the interaction between Hazard and Lisa. Like it's so completely and utterly well done. It's just so sweet and innocent. And Birkin totally was acting like well insert several not nice words here.
This is probably the best Lisa fiction than I have read to date. Like I really adore the way you handle her character. The human streak is just so adoreable.
Spider-bear chapter 5 . 2/22/2004
this story has earned deserves to be called COOLFULISHOUS! yey! people with tails! i love Hazard! he's so flippin cool in every way! and lisa is there going to be a future Hazard/Lisa pairing or in this fic is she still a little kid and their relationship will only be a father daughter thingy..wait a minute! she's no kid! in the game she's like 30! since she was there since '68! interesting how lisa isn't rotten in this's better that way seeing how...yeah...whatever..update!
Zarbok chapter 5 . 2/21/2004
Very good.
Shakahnna chapter 4 . 1/8/2004
Oh I got a mention *squeaks* Thank you that is SO nice. If you got any opinions or comments I would really love to hear them. We writers and our reviews huh? :)
Aww Lisa Trevor! She has like the most tragic past in the world. Like can there be anything worse than what UMbrella did to her. I like how you've made her thoughts kinda innocent. Like she does have a certain child-like quality to her. Especially when she wants to go to Hazard to stop him hurting her first. That is so sweet.
And was such ashame for Hazard being trapped in the maze. Like he just wanted to get outta there in one piece. Can't really feel anything except sorry for the poor soul.
And just that first scene where hazard is looking right at Lisa and not the faces. That was just so well written like I was utterly captivated by it. Was just such a shame.
And ok so I am not usually someone who gets all affected by a romance but this was just so touching like Hazard and Lisa. Having them together and just the way he was speaking about her. It was so sweet and special.
This was by fair my favourite chapter. I really hope you go and write more of this. I mean it's just completely original. Like from an actual bio-weapons point of view is just so good. Up-date soon.
Shakahnna chapter 3 . 1/8/2004
That description of the crow was real nice. Like can picture one exactly right outta RE2 sitting there with it's red eyes just watching. Those are more creepy when they aren't doing anything.
And Hazard actually says this sucks :) And the hope Raccoon City enjoys monster movies comment was classic. I liked that.
A threatening monotone. You gotta respect that right? I like how you write from the first person POV makes it really easy to follow and you can get attached to hazard because you are seeing everything through his eyes.
Hunk is a prick that is for sure. I really hope that was the end of him.
Ranma-41 chapter 4 . 1/5/2004
Interesting story. Haven't read one from a tyrant's POV before. Please continue.
stillnotanotherone chapter 4 . 1/2/2004
OMG that was so touching. It was so heartfelt, like they both found kindred spirits.
It's nice that neither of them are alone now.
Update soon :)
stillnotanotherone chapter 3 . 1/2/2004
Very nice! You really feel for Hazard, poor thing. The way you characterised Hunk was excellently done.
I love the way you've set him up as a quasimodo type figure. You just feel so much pity for him because he's obviously got a soul, but he's never going to be accepted by humans.
stillnotanotherone chapter 2 . 1/2/2004
A monster with human thoughts? Very nice, and well described too.
Poor guy, you really have to feel sorry for his naivete.
stillnotanotherone chapter 1 . 1/2/2004
Excellent start. I love the way you've provided all the technical stuff straight off. It sets off a good start, so things won't get confusing later on.
Anyway, I'm off to read on!
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