Reviews for Love, Yuugi
GalaxyCat2002 chapter 5 . 8/6/2015
I like it! Your story is very cute!
yayubaru1 chapter 12 . 9/7/2009
i know this story is discontinued but if you ever read this i would be ever so grateful if you rethought your unthinking. but what ever you choose i still say that it is a really good fanfic that i would love to read to the end.

best wishes

yayubaru1 chapter 4 . 9/7/2009
i can honestly say i have NO idea what is happening here
cheetahkit chapter 12 . 2/18/2009
y don't u continue?
llivla chapter 12 . 3/5/2007
what? ah, no! it's not! i SWEAR! ::flails arms up and down:: look at the state of this fandom now-it's garbage! and i dig and dig and dig and find this and you'! i liked your yami, and it -is- original. (and anyway, would you rather be cliche or just weird ::shifty eyes at some traumatizing 'fics'::)
llivla chapter 1 . 3/5/2007
wow...two years and im just starting but am i glad i found this! :grins:
TriplePivotTurn chapter 12 . 11/2/2006
I hope you haven't dropped off the face of the planet but this story is absolutely awesome. it really really is and I would love for you to continue writing it. Your style is really fantastic and the plot line is very engaging. You've made Yami and Yuugi's relationship very insteresting and have got me completely hooked. Please write again.
Abbey chapter 12 . 6/8/2006
NO! this is a great storie. PLEASE CONTINUE!
TheEcchiQueen chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
I love it! Don't discontinue it! CONTINUE CONTINUE!
vixenia chapter 12 . 10/9/2005
T.T please update. I love this story. Its awesome. keep up the great work
CYoudontneedtoknow chapter 12 . 9/20/2005
I love it please continue soon I cant wait to see what happens next!
kkwyDragonflame chapter 12 . 7/18/2005
Poor Yugi. He's much to nice for his own good. Anyway I hope you do update this story sometime in the future, cause me and all other readers would love more of this story.
TenkunoMeiou chapter 12 . 6/15/2005
Aww...but I like it. Don't give it up! It's very good.
penny chapter 12 . 5/9/2005
More please!
Sugarmoe chapter 12 . 4/7/2005
I gotta say...I love the idea of Yami with a gun! Is there going to be another chapter? I wasn't sure...well, I'm gonna chack your other fics!
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