Reviews for By Any Other Name
Hopeful Reader chapter 51 . 5/19
I hope every once in a while you are checking these reviews, as I would like to ask if you can put up the story you had on mediaminer, again? The link you gave was sent to mediaminer, but it looks like you closed your account? I really loved the full unedited version. Please let me know, if possible or not? I check back once in a while to see if you're still on, in case you write back. :)
fairyninjaM4 chapter 40 . 3/25
Ok so I pretty much never comment before I'm done with a story, mostly because if I think its good enough to comment on then its probably good enough that I don't want to stop before I continue just to leave a little note. However I've got to say, . . . . wow. Not only is this take on the story so in depth and ingenious but my favourite parts are you relationships with each character. Every personal relationship is fleshed out in a way that makes you feel like your peeking in on private moments caught in time. You write beautifully. I thought kagome and sesshomaru relationship was my favorite, that unspoken strength that lies at the backbone of there intense yet quite connection but after that moment with Miroku in the clearing, there are no words. I've never even given a thought to that relationship outside of perverted older brother but reading that was like soul balm. lol I'm not sure if that even makes since but all and all I just wanted you to know that your story is greatly appreciated and I cant wait to continue, Me
FluffyLuver4Eva chapter 51 . 1/28
I read this on mediaminer- where it's labeled as complete :cries: imagine my disdain!

I honestly don't read many crossovers
Takes a talent to make em work, which you very much managed to do. I do hope you return to finish this one day, though I figure after all this time, it is unlikely.

Regardless, wonderful story! I love that Kouga was included, and in a positive way. He really gets a bad image most times. Always happy to see my favorite wolf demon, and also- fantastic job with Sesshoumaru. love their bond, and he's not ooc at all.
Thank you again!
chibi moon baby chapter 21 . 4/11/2019
The strokes for your last name indicated a different meaning than I had anticipated," he continued calmly, waiting for the parallel to draw itself in her mind and nodded a single time when he saw her eyes widen. "A meaning that was given to your shrine."

"Higure- Sunset," Kagome started to recite the answer, the meaning of the beginning character she had seen forming her name all her life in a whisper, unaware that she'd spoken until Sesshoumaru gave her a single nod of acknowledgement.

"No matter where the sun goes in its travels, miko, the home of the Sunset has always been and will always remain the Western Lands."

This is one of my most favorite sections of fic I have ever read in this fandom. FYI. I love re-reading this story whenever I stumble back into the IYYYH fandom. You’re an amazing author and your work is amazing. Beautiful prose that has stuck with me since this was first published!
Fallon85 chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
I cannot tell you how many times I have reread this fic and checked back in on turnabout is fair play hoping for updates only to remain heart broken at their state of incompletion. I respect why you stopped updating,and hoped ookamichan would get back to updating, but at this point it is painfully apparent that will never happen. Its been almost 10 years now since her last ubio udate and you cant even read the story thus far in its entirety anymore. I realize its been quite a while since you made that decision to wait for her, but I was hoping I could convince you to have pity on both of your fans who are still waiting for what is never going to happen. Let us at least read the rest of your story knowing we'll never see any more from her.
Rogues Angel chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
I love this story and I hope you finish it. There are so many ways this story could go.
BonnieJerry chapter 51 . 5/20/2017
Love this fic. The way you connected the canons, the differing POVs, the way you hilariously portray the Kurama/Youko divide, Kagome being awesome, the amazing slow burn and delicious sexy times - everything is on point and I love it!
KK chapter 51 . 4/17/2017
Are you okay? I hope you are doing well.
Guest chapter 51 . 2/27/2017
Please update soon
raebeme chapter 51 . 9/12/2016
i love this fic. and its been so long i doubt its ever going to get finished (unless u finished it somewhere else and i never stumbled across it lol) but whenever I'm looking for something epic to read and can't find anything new i wander back over here for a reread and then daydream about whats going to happen next. ;) I've been doing rereads of this for years and its one of those fics that stays with you (as a reader) forever.
fredisagirl chapter 51 . 9/11/2016
more please!
Liz Ben chapter 51 . 3/31/2016
You take me to the edge of a cliff, and just stop? My heart is in my throat, I'm clinging to shreds of sanity, I see kitsune in my sleep, and you stop? Whyyyyyyy

Loved the story. It consumed my days and nights. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Bound by death chapter 51 . 1/31/2016
This is such a wonderful story. I do hope you someday finish it.
KK chapter 51 . 8/14/2015
This story never gets old. I think I must have read this story from chapter 1 to 51 at least 5 times!
I hope you are doing alright, Deviant Nature )
ImmemorialMemory chapter 37 . 7/14/2015
I just want to say this, and I know this fanfic is ANCIENT, but Kurama is so fucking annoying.
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