Reviews for A Sparrow's Daughter
Jade chapter 14 . 3/28
I love it!
Guest chapter 14 . 2/2/2018
Though there seem to be a few discrepancies in what she remembers of her past, this was a really good story. It's a pity it hasn't been finished, i really looked forward to her meeting with jack. I also loved Norrington. As unlikely as it seems, i still hope you'll finish this someday
Guest chapter 14 . 1/8/2018
I really enjoyed reading this! Sad its not finished.
Good day to you,
BlackWidow112 chapter 1 . 4/29/2016
..Hail HYDRA
GirlWonder29 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
Whoa! This is way cool! I wish I could write something as sweet as this!
Lady Oblivious chapter 14 . 6/16/2011
Please update soon! Lady O.
Cinnamint Kitty chapter 14 . 1/1/2008
You haven't update in years but I wanted to tell you that this story is simply amazing. I hope that someday you will eventually update.
Away chapter 8 . 8/17/2007
My, my, my...three years, my dear, and your story is still left hanging. You know that you should write more, so why not have a practice and give us an end to this story?

C'mon, you can do it! :)
Dagon ng Likha chapter 14 . 4/6/2007
Amazing. The writing's sharp, and creating a new female character that isn't annoying is a feat. The fangirly part of me is wondering who she'll end up with, but regardless, please continue!
PandylBas chapter 14 . 1/6/2007
this is going to be one interesting meeting between jack and annabelle, very interesting indeed...continue and update soon
Anonymous chapter 14 . 12/28/2006
I luv the story! wut happens 2 Annabelle? is there a sequel thast i dont know 'bout?
Loki's Minion Gurl chapter 14 . 10/2/2006
I love your story. I noticed that you've not updated for about 2 years. Please don't abandon this story! I think that it's good. I really hope to see an update soon!

As Always... Take What Ye Can... Give Nothin' Back!

Mrs. Capt. Jack Sparrows
Lola chapter 14 . 2/19/2006
Update! Good story ;)
Skystrike26 chapter 14 . 12/27/2005
Interesting story. I can't wait for Jack's reaction to seeing her. And what Norrington and his son are going to get into. Please post soon!

shasha chapter 14 . 12/1/2005
Are you ever going to update this story? It is one of the best POTC fics I have ever read and I really want to know what happens. At least leave an author's note or update your profile so we know you're still out there somewhere! Please update!
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