Reviews for Not just a Sleepover
mary chapter 3 . 11/10/2015
Oooka...umm...sory i just dont think this is my kinda reading. I meen i like humor as much as the next person, but the characters are...just...too dumb for it to be funny. And the characters are out of character. This is kinda boring.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/9/2012
Snobby jean finally gets what's coming to her
Funny stuff chapter 15 . 6/6/2012
Funny stuff! Please finish this book, it's really cute!
Funny stuff chapter 15 . 6/6/2012
Funny stuff! Please finish this book, it's really cute!
Funny stuff chapter 15 . 6/6/2012
Funny stuff! Please finish this book, it's really cute!
Duchess of Night chapter 3 . 8/15/2011
Lol. I love this. You're doing a great job with Rogue's and Gambit's accents. You've pretty much got all the characters down. I'm still trying to erase the picture of Scott in a man thong...*cringes*

P.S. sorry about your friend :(
Duchess of Night chapter 2 . 8/15/2011
Yay! I love me some Scott and Jean bashing! XD Anyways, I love the idea 'cause I could totally see people having sleepovers in a Super Wall-Mart. :P
X-Midnight-Lady-X chapter 15 . 4/19/2010
OMFG I almost did a spit take while reading this chapter! IT's SUCH a good story! But you havent updated for about 5 years! Please update soon! :( Or it'll make me sad!
tradingtruthsforlies chapter 15 . 1/16/2010
very cool, i just wish it would be updated :(
Requiem17 chapter 15 . 11/3/2006
ok i know this review is really late but i read ur story so u deserve another one from me at least. ok i hafta say the idea behind the story was great.. a sleepover at walmart ;P funny funny. the jott bashing cracked me up at the beginning.. but it got old near the middle _sorry!_ but i liked it at teh end again! the bra thing cracked me up. hmm my fave part of this was the paintball thing i wuld say.. and how u randomly had other adults just popping in. and this jeopardy thing was definitely amusing.. but the fashion shows were kinda like ..mehh.. cuz it was just them dressing up and stuff. but this story definitely kept me entertained! so kudos for u! hope u write more stuff SOON! ;P
KawaiiDemons chapter 15 . 1/6/2006
Awl, how cute is that? They have baby pics of each other. BTW, I like how you keep having people popping out of nowhere like that. Hurry and write some more so I won't be bored at work!
xXxJessikaxXx chapter 15 . 11/10/2005
I really hope you update. I mean I was laughing out loud and I never do that.


thriller chapter 15 . 8/30/2005
ooh lala! v. nice! hehehe, dat is so halarious, pleez too god make piotr go naked, it wud be so halarious!
NaijaStrawberrie chapter 15 . 8/24/2005
NO! No more chapters! *goes in a corner and cries* Lol. Awesome as usual! Update when you can!
NaijaStrawberrie chapter 14 . 8/24/2005
That was nice. Very sweet. I was wondering where that fit in, i was thinking, "aren't they still in Super Wal Mart?" but it was awesome
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