Reviews for Loneliness
Yumeko chapter 1 . 7/13/2008
That. Was. Wonderful.

Completely insightful, some very moving lines, and in-character for both Dias and Ashton.

Oh, I wish the SO2 fandom wasn't dead...
BlindWhitechapel chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
Somehow I have never encountered this in my previous wanderings. I liked that you had this coming from observant, introspective Dias; of them all, he would be the one most likely to watch the others and try to learn about their elemental personalities.

"It has always been easier for other people to see what is funny than to see what is cruel, or difficult."

Major praise to you for that line, which I thought was the most relevant general truism in the piece.

Thank you,

The Blind Apothecary
minceo chapter 1 . 3/30/2007
thats deep real deep i like this it shows true emotions and the way you have wrote it convices the reader :) keep up the good work!
Noc and NC chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
oh... *whipes a tear from her eye* that was beautiful. You really did good on discribing Ashtion, and fleshing him out. Oh.. *sniffs*
Akiko chapter 1 . 6/18/2004
I DID enjoy it. I remember watching Star Ocean (yesterday) and whenever he would disappear I'd be like "where's Ashton? Where's Ashton?" and all of the dumb characters completely forgot him...

Wonderous story! My poor, poor Ashton...T.T Keep up the writing!
Beautiful Dreamer1 chapter 1 . 5/1/2004
Nice light touch on the angst and in character analysis of Ashton. Great Job!
cat chapter 1 . 3/25/2004
It's good. Very well written, this expository. You get 18/20 for it! It's nice to see writing with substance in it, and it's certainly nice to have Dias being the contemplative one, since it suits him. Plus, that's a really interesting (and possibly true) view point on Ashton. Well done.
cutepiku chapter 1 . 2/21/2004
Aw... I wuv my Ashy. Yeah, he IS REALLY over looked. I think him and Rena should be together, since Precis OBVIOUSLY over looks him.
My sister told me kind of makes him sound... creepy, liking Precis, being as she's 16 and he's 20. *shrug* It is, but... Wai
Poor Ashton! *huggles* *gives him the Fun-City Barrel he oh-so desired* There. _
Errm... Off track! *whack* Good ficcy!
GeminiWings chapter 1 . 2/20/2004
After reading this fanfic, I could tell you're at least familiar with the anime series. The blurb is great and very insightful. Keep writing things like this please.
Red Mage chapter 1 . 2/6/2004
How sad... Quite a different angle of view. Certainly wonderful. I like Ashton, a whole lot, and I don't think him as a clown but as a seriousminded fighter. This story sort of reflects those feelings pretty well. It was also quite different to see Dias thinking like this. I liked this one much. Really much, and I thank you for that. Thank you for writing such a good fic from such a great person as Ashton Anchors, a person, whose loveliness his friends perhaps haven't realized but his fans sure have _
Cyn chapter 1 . 1/20/2004
Interesting interpretation on the character of Ashton. He rarely gets any attention in the game/anime and your analysis on his character had been insightful. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.