Reviews for Aristeia
Zephyr02 chapter 1 . 6/27
Wow! I’m very late to the party! I’ve been having a bit of a resurgence lately for DS9 and I’m being reminded how much I loved J/J. I’m probably part of a minority in that way seeing how few J/J stories there actually are. Thank you for this beautiful piece! It was very in character but still captured their potential wonderfully. Not sure you ever check this anymore but just wanted to share. You are a terrific storyteller!

Debra Petersen chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
I see that this has some reviews which aren't that old, so I guess I'll go ahead and add mine and hope that you get to see it. I want to tell you that I appreciated this story so very much. I always wanted to see Julian and Jadzia get together, and it actually irritated me when Worf came and started flexing his muscles and Jadzia went all gaga over him so easily. At first I couldn't believe that the powers that be actually intended to pair her with Worf, and by the time I realized that they were truly serious about that it was too late to lodge a was done. I think of all the times that Julian was there for Jadzia, compared to the way that Worf often tried to be controlling toward her, and I really believe that Julian was the one who cared for her the most and deserved to be with her. Your scene between them shows them as I wanted them to be. I appreciate that you left us with the prospect of a real date for the two of them and...just perhaps...the possibility of something beyond that. Thank you!
Telepathic Love chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Okay straight up this was an AMAZING read. It was well written, not OOC, touching, wonderful! I love this so much!
mktoronto chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Wow, a Julian/Jadzia story! It makes so much sense that while Dax may not been drawn to Julian, Jadzia would be taken with him. This is such a beautiful evening of friendship and feels very true to the characters at that time. I also liked the idea of the two of them together and this was a wonderful taste of it. Thanks.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
This was so good! I've always wanted, ever since I started watching DS9 way back when, for Jadzia and Bashir to be together, but this is the first time I've read a story about them and, it was so cute ? ? ? this made me hurt because my poor heart couldn't take it.
Shani8 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
WOW... just WOW. I loved this so much, that I'm having a hard time forming a coherent sentence now, LOL. ;)

Seriously though, this is probably one of the best J/J stories I've ever stumbled upon. You had Julian and Jadzia down perfectly, and I really enjoyed every word of this. Thanks for writing and for making me grin wider than the Cheshire Cat. :D

Would love to see a follow up piece to this. Perhaps the actual dinner date? As a stand alone, it's perfect too.


-Shani :)
bnewall1 chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Wonderful story! I just wish we'd seen this on the show. I never liked Jadzia/Worf anymore than I liked Troi/Worf in TNG.
ivycat chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
loved it, so sweet!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
This was...sweet. I've always enjoyed their friendship, and to be honest I agree with Dax most of the time. Doc needed to grow up a bit. It is nice to see that maturity get rewarded, though Well done!
mossley chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
Wow. I'm trying to think of something coherent to say here, but I'm not having a lot of luck. This was beautiful, perfectly in character, insightful, touching ... I can't think of enough ways to say how much I loved this. There is only glaring flaw, and that's that you never continued with it. This is by far the best ST story I've ever read, in any of the franchises.
CmdrTroy chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
Really one of the best J/J fics I have ever read - and yes, sadly, this many years after tears of the prophets I am still looking for them. lol

Really wish you'd write a few more in this vein! I'd love to see how their date at the Bajoran place went.

Thanks again for this - it was great.
SilverChelle chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
Wow. The characters are so-well-in character! I absolutely loved it. Nothing was out of place or unbelievable. Great job!

Chasing Liquor chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
Don't know if I ever reviewed this way back when, but it's a fantastic story. I like how the arc of Bashir's emotions that evening mirror his general arc over the seasons of DS9. He starts out sulking a bit in a boyish manner, and slowly transforms into the more mature adult he became after the first couple seasons. Nice job.
BlushingInsomniac chapter 1 . 9/11/2007

thank you almost no one else wrights jj fanfics

i loved it
Majorkami chapter 1 . 6/19/2006
Such a lovely fic, and you treat the characters so well. I never really liked the pairing with Worf anyway; it should have gone like this in the series.

Thank you for writing an excellent story. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to wander off and stop squeeing before the other officer on today thinks I'm a nutcase (I'm at work).
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