Reviews for Differences
discotimelord1 chapter 1 . 8/14/2019
Thank you for your story :)
mariposafria chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
This makes more sense than any archer/reed or archer/tucker pairing. Not that I mind those. Shran is my favorite character and he really loves his pink skin. He is so direct and archer is so darn reasonable. This was nice.
XxZessxX chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
Cool idea. I like it. I really like Shran, he just has somwething I like xD
She-bop chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
Well written, especially keeping them in character, a very difficult thing to do when putting characters in a sexual situation. I particularly liked the premise, the excuse to touch each other, very cute!
Tsuki the Avenger chapter 1 . 1/23/2008
Ok, this is interesting/adorable. By far the best Archer-Shran fic I've read (after searching the internet, I've only found a grand total of three, but yours still wins!). The voices seem spot-on, especially for such a short fic. Thanks for the read!

This will be added to my favorites; it certainly made me smile.

- T

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"If Spock were here, he'd say that I was an irrational, ilogical human being for going on a mission like this... Sounds like fun!" - Kirk, "Generations"
Leviticus Lied chapter 1 . 6/15/2007
HAH! Yes. Just, YES. More people need to write things for this (cracktastic) pairing.

And I absolutely loved your summary. It was half the reason why I read this.
coldthing chapter 1 . 4/24/2006
this is wonderful!

why is there so little archer/shran slash out there
Xioux Animal can't login chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
Egads! *slaps forehead*

Why didn't I see this pairing before? It was right there, shouting and disco-dancing naked in front of me with a rainbow afro on.

Should've suspected something with those many scenes where Shran and Jonny-kins are alone together... drinking...

By the way, nice piece of writing. .~
Sess chapter 1 . 3/2/2005
Oh I love this one, even though the characters are greatly out of characters, they still act like themselves (and none of that "my love" stuff people seem to write onto m/m relationships in other stories).

It's great that you focus on touch and smell as sensations to catalyze the story. It's definately a technique that works. Great story!
KittySister chapter 1 . 2/23/2004
I always knew those two would get together.