Reviews for Vanilla
jj chapter 6 . 8/9/2017
Gosh that was wonderful!
I like how it's slow paced, how Seto doesn't react to Joey's confession at first. It was such a sweet fic, no pun intended.
You're an amazing writer :)
Dexandra chapter 5 . 4/9/2016
AAH I'm loving this story. I have to say this is my favourite chapter so far, beautifully worded and structured and describing Joey's crush and their habits and interactions in a way that's so natural and sweet I got lost in the story so easily... The writing is incredibly well-worded, one of my favourite sentences in this chapter was "somewhere old barriers had been dredging up reluctantly from dusty hiding places" - perfectly written. And the way Joey feels his heart pound and then ignores it is so accurate to what a crush like that truly feels like. I've truly enjoyed this sweet story, and I'm excited to go on to the epilogue! :)
Promiscuous Misprocuous chapter 6 . 2/19/2016

I usually don't review things just because i don't usually have anything to say (also because i'm shy let's face it that's the real reason it's taken me literal years to write this -_-; )

This is a story that i return to again and again to reread a couple times a year to see if it's as good as I remember it being the first time (spoiler: it always is.) This is THE fic that i find myself remembering at random times even though i haven otherwise *touched* this fandom in years.

Every time i read this fic it imparts in me such a sense of nostalgia (and a longing for vanilla ice cream :p) The characters are *actually in character* and everything that they do makes sense within the context of the story (which also makes sense.)

Nown this is called a reviewn but i think we all know that the only person who will read it is the author, so dear author: thank you for this story. Clearly i think that you have done a magnificent job
Koshka Rayn chapter 6 . 9/25/2014
Aw, what a sweet ending!
dancing elf chapter 6 . 11/12/2011
very sweet
awakeningcity chapter 6 . 10/14/2011
Agh, this entire story was adorable. I love the descriptions for the scenery, they were gorgeous. I like the characterization, too. The ending was lovely. This was so fluffy and wonderful, I loved it.
Animom chapter 5 . 4/4/2010
(ok, I WAS going to review the epilogue, because my review history said I hadn't, but when I tried to leave one it said "duplicate" and so... here's my review of the epilogue:)




DEADDEADP2EU23HRY chapter 6 . 2/17/2008
Such a sweet (no pun intended) ending.

I love your writing, it's very descriptive and paints a very lovely picture. I also gotta praise you for writing a good Puppyshipping story, since those good ones are few and hard to find.
Cissa DeLancome chapter 2 . 7/3/2007
I really really enjoyed this. It had me squeeing like a little school girl. Oh yeah, I am a little school girl. Very cute, especially when Joey realizes his crush. _~
LadyMoonveil chapter 6 . 1/7/2007
Aww...extremely well written! Loved the character interactions and vivid descriptions~ keep up the good work!
CucumberKun chapter 6 . 12/22/2006

that was such a sweet fic 3

and so unique too!

i love the ending!
melodyz07 chapter 6 . 11/21/2006
Very nice story!

I liked how you involved the vanilla ice cream in the plot.

It was a very cute idea!

I liked also the evolution of the relation between Jou and Seto

Your style of writing is very beatiful, very detailed

I hope that you will write more fics about this amazing couple (Joukai)
Angel Kurisutin chapter 6 . 10/14/2006
That had to be the greatest ending ever! I love how he just simply wrote 'YES' in vanilla, that's so cute and clever! Your writing style is indeed very different from most, but it had a nice flow to it. It felt peaceful, and one has to admire you for your excellent use of words in your descriptions! The whole story was excellent, I loved it very much! It was also nice to see the not-so-typical versions of Joey and Seto. The smarter Joey, and the kinder Seto.
Lady Psychic chapter 6 . 10/8/2006
I read this a couple of months ago. I thought I reveiwed it but I guess I didn't. Anyways, this was a cute, well written, and enjoyable story. It also helps that it has my favorite pairing. I liked this story so much that I printed it out (something that I very rarely do).
bgtea chapter 6 . 8/18/2006
You have done an amazing job with this fic spinning from such a simple concept of vanilla. Honestly, this is terrific, your characters' personalities (especially Yugi, I heart your Yugi) and the lovely afternoons spent in the makes me envious of the characters since I want to experience this slice of heaven myself. Oh, and you gave this a happy ending true to all romance stories. You are a poet at heart and I love this fic. Job well done.
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