Reviews for Desires
jumpman72001 chapter 1 . 10/18/2004
starzstruck-1 chapter 17 . 8/22/2004
Odd.. I've never thought of a guy on guy fic featuring Do'Urden, but you pulled it off quite nicely. You have remarkable talent, and I might just go far enough to say that I'd love to see a sequel:) Keep up the good work!

~Blessed Be~

Sam chapter 17 . 6/7/2004
I loved it! Please do make a sequel!
Neven chapter 17 . 6/6/2004
So it's over. What am I supposed to read now? Truly though, I didn't see the end coming-thought you'd make them dance around a while longer-but I suppose there is only so much one can invent along the lines of a single story. Well, it was a damn good one. Definitely a sequel, please!
Neven chapter 16 . 5/30/2004
Ah, and he is finally asking for it. Very nice. I hope you tell us a little more of how he arrived at that one though. It is always so much fun to watch-read-Drizzt's inner struggle. So what is Rashiel to do now that he got what he wanted?:)
Neven chapter 15 . 5/27/2004
You know, you are a real piece of work, to leave this on a total cliffhanger. So are you going to bring in the dingo to eat Catti and the dwarves? As for my own story, I took a little break to do some art; should be updating in a few days. Which is no excuse for you not write slower than normal. Come now, we must know what happenes (or I suppose we know what but we need to know how-yes, it's the 'how' that is most important. If you do it justice, I will make some illustrations for you.:). Gold elf, right? Amber eyes?)
yumeng chapter 14 . 5/22/2004
How happy to read the new Chapter~
Very good!
go on please
Neven chapter 14 . 5/20/2004
Ah, Drizzt at his best: feeling guilty and insecure and wanting to be alone. Splendid.:)
I must admit I am really enjoying Catti-brie's torment. I have grown to truly hate the character over 15 some books and it makes me happy to see her oh so upset. Maybe the dingo will eat her in the end, along with all the dwarves of the Forgotten Realms.:)
Can't wait for Drizzt to find Rashiel. Don't make us wait too long, please.
LadyJanelly chapter 14 . 5/20/2004
I'm very curious where the next encounter will leave them. Drizzt seems stronger now that things are more out in the open. Good chapter.
Neven chapter 13 . 5/13/2004
Ah, so much better. Rashiel is a darling when in his element. I wonder how soon before Drizzt feels the need to put the bonds back on. Voluntarily, of course.:) Hoe he doesn't angst over it too long… that is, he can angst, provided he would still do it.
Nariel chapter 12 . 5/12/2004
OK, it WAS worth a try...
Am Ende wird Drizzt ihn noch aus dem gefängnis befreien... Wäre natürlich lustig, aber ebenso unwahrscheinlich, wie... wie dass Triel Baenre ein Legolas-Poster im Zimmer hat-hat sie natürlich nicht *sich sicherheitshalber umschaut, nur für den Fall...*
Arme Catti... was muss die arme nur denken...
Tut mir leid wegen dem dritten kapitel, das Update hat erst heute funktioniert - tut mir leid... dafür kriegst du jetzt Rai UND Kimmi(mit absätzen und italics etc.)Ha!
du hast doch mal erwähnt, du wölltest Entreri und Jarlaxle eine Affäre andichten *sabber runterschluck* hast du schon angefangen?
Neven chapter 12 . 5/11/2004
No, no,no! Rashiel can't be having bouts of compassion; I so love him as the ultimately selfish bastard. Ah well, it's your story and I'll keep reading, even if you tell me that the nasty elf and Drizzt will eventually end up living together happily ever after, with Catti as their best friend. Though I sincerely hope not.:)
Kushiel's Avatar is very dark in part, though necessarily so. Some scenes were too much even for my not-so-sensitive stomach. It was very good altogether though.
Oh, and to answer your question, my native language is Russian. But I've lived in the US for years now, and I do read and write a lot which accounts for the vocuabulary (thanks for the compliment).
Icingdeath chapter 12 . 5/10/2004
Again, wonderful chapter. Looking forward to more!
Neven chapter 11 . 5/7/2004
Lovely as ever. I see we have taken a similar route of making Drizzt into a bitch in our stories:) Must be all those Kushiel books-and Drizzt's most irksome humbleness that one cannot help but turn into a need for submission. At any rate, I am really enjoying this; it's quite unorthodox and delightfully wicked. And well written, too. As another non-native English speaker, I commend your skill.
Icingdeath chapter 11 . 5/7/2004
*gasp* What is Drizzt thinking! Ah well, I love those plot twists that drop my jaw. Keep it up!
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