Reviews for Precious Learning
Do a Barrel Roll chapter 4 . 1/13/2013
Are you ever going to continue?
im-a-tumor chapter 4 . 4/6/2011
are you ever coming back to finish this? i mean, it;s been 10 years; i really hope so! I'm really liking it!
El Tigress chapter 4 . 2/25/2009
I certainly hope you make more of this...I'm a bit sad now, because you have 49 reviews and yet you don't want to make us happy? Damn Elyse! Damn her!

. Er, please finish it?

Your greatest, biggest fan ever,

The God Slayer chapter 1 . 11/26/2008
Update this story, Or I'll be sad and unhappy for the rest of my life.

Please complete this fanfic, for the greater good

Your fan,

The God Slayer chapter 2 . 11/26/2008
Oh, I could read this forever, and I will until it is complete!

My friends shall read it too, to help with the reviews!

Please, for the love of god, update it...

Your biggest fan



You fanfic is what made me want to write, such beautiful writing...
Kumori chapter 4 . 11/26/2008
Oh gosh... I don't want to sound like a mindless fangirl or anything of the like, but I would love to see this finished. You write so wonderfully well, and it's nice to see such talent still existing on , considering the site's plague consists of a number of mediocre writers.

Will you please continue on? I am liking the direction this story is going in, and I am a fan of Edgar/Terra.
CrystallizedFire chapter 1 . 11/22/2008
Oh, please update this! Please!

I really want to know what happens, you can't leave us hanging!

Please, just finish it? I beg of you!

I'll reread this till you do, i hope it is really soon...

It is too good to be gone...

CrystalHelmet, your biggest fan.
The God Slayer chapter 4 . 8/11/2008
I want more! It was perfect!

I hope this turns to An Ederra fanfiction! xD xD

Edgar X Terra Forever!
Guest chapter 4 . 10/16/2007
please make more
The RyRy chapter 4 . 9/1/2003
NO! It has to go on, there HAS TO BE MORE!

I love this story! It's so fascinating! PLEASE post more of it! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Emmy Lee chapter 4 . 8/10/2003
Oh, wow..this is incredible. I really do hope this turns into a Setzer/Terra fic, although I usually don't like those.

At first, I thought that Elyse was just..bah! But I like her now, and they go very, very nicely together..In anycase, this is one of the better fics I've come across on .

ryonan girl chapter 2 . 9/6/2002
This is definitely good! Everything...the way of writing...the portrayal of characters...I just hope that Edgar and Terra will end up being together. I really love EdgarxTerra fics. I'm going to read the next chapters now.
Riva Irongrip chapter 4 . 6/18/2002
*summons every 'Weapon' from every FF game*er

"Sic her!"

*Hordes of super being rips Elyse apart.*

Terra Lockheart chapter 4 . 11/11/2001
Awesome work! _ I've been waiting for the update forever-but you got around to it. This is amazing, incredible...although I DO love Edgarra...too bad it seems to be turning more in favor of Setzer. That's ok though, I like him too. I don't hate Elyse as much as when I read the second chapter; I'm beginning to think she's ok. Love it, please continue!
Terra Trepe chapter 4 . 9/29/2001
I like your way of writing very much and I've waited you to update this story for quite a long time already... I also wanted to say, that I like your fanfic page (Chocobo's Nest) very much too.

That was the place where I readed the first chapter of this fanfic.

You are going to write more to this story, aren't you?

Well I'll be waiting!
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