Reviews for The Childhood of an Angel
LouEthelip chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
I enjoyed reading it. I've always been fond of Kelly from the series and as a catholic I appreciated the way the nun/sister was portrayed.
Mary Rose chapter 1 . 2/26/2004
Really nice. I liked it.
Beemishbeliever chapter 1 . 2/25/2004
This was a very touching and well written story. I loved that the character's name is Sister Nancy as Nancy is one of my favorite names. I don't, however think that a sister during Kelly's childhood would have been able to keep the name Nancy as it was not a saint's name. Nuns of the Pre-Vatican II era were supposed to choose a Biblical or saint name as their "nun" name. However, this is a minor point and I really did enjoy the story. I thought your characterization of Sr. Nancy was beautiful and heart warming. This was a delightful story that I would heartily recommend to all readers not just Charlie's Angels fans.