Reviews for Behold the Man
Limyaael chapter 2 . 3/10/2004
That was very interesting, and a nice change of pace. (While I looked the first chapter, it would have been boring were the whole story like that). And it's a seldom-used connection to canon, with Sauron the werewolf lord as he was in the First Age. Well done.
I did notice that there were a larger-than-usual number of typos in the chapter, such as "descent" for "decent" and "forth" for "fourth." Not necessarily enough to interrupt my reading, but enough that I noticed.
kingmaker chapter 2 . 3/8/2004
Ugh- very creepy. The dream imagery is really good, and the evolving plot is also becoming progressively more intriguing as our protagonist sinks into the depths of hell. This is just a really great story.
Lilly-and-Frodo-Baggins chapter 2 . 3/7/2004
Hello yet again! Chapter 2 was great! I never expected some of that stuff to happen. Great start. Very Interesting, I must say. Keep it up and Update soon.
Lilly-and-Frodo-Baggins chapter 1 . 3/7/2004
Hello from a dedicated reader! Honestly I LOVE your fics! This one really took the cake though I must say. Even the lat sentence is captivating LOL. I will now read chapter 2!
Dame Niamh chapter 1 . 3/2/2004
You must continue this tale, now that you have painted us a dark landscape, howling with wind and lashed with must take us on this man's journey and let us know his secrets.
Blessed be!
Dame Niamh
Limyaael chapter 1 . 2/28/2004
I liked this one. The descriptions threatened to drown me at first, but the plot moved right along in spite of them.
I do have one question, though. I'm not sure how well the fic fits in with Tolkien's universe. It sounds almost as though the Mouth of Sauron was born evil, doomed to be that way, since he dreamed of the Temple. And one of Tolkien's tenets was "Nothing was evil in the beginning," including Sauron and Melkor and the whole gang of them who did much worse things. Will it be revealed what drove the Mouth of Sauron to do these things? Does he have a history of corruption with someone or something? What caused the dreams?
Looking forward to more.
kingmaker chapter 1 . 2/28/2004
(Jaw drops) Color me amazed. Your imagery, particularly of the fall of Numenor, is among the best I've ever read. Every word seems perfect and chosen with great care. And, as someone whose magnum opus is about the descent of a Nazgul, the premise is most excellent and very cool. Needless to say, I am looking forward to seeing where this is going.