Reviews for Harry Potter and the Shard of Magic
Amineh1825 chapter 21 . 11/6/2016
Can't wait for more!
SerpensPrincess chapter 21 . 2/6/2016
Please update want to read more
Guest chapter 13 . 11/25/2015
ok, you are perfect, please dont stop!
lilydora chapter 10 . 11/24/2015
why you stoped writing, thats just plain wrong
SlytherinPrincess792 chapter 20 . 10/28/2014
This is a real nice story here. One of the best Drarry fics I've read :)
Malroe chapter 21 . 4/19/2011
marry me?

hahaa, seriously though, so far, this has been written so well.. It's almost like I was actually reading Rowling's work! I love the plot, it really has potential :D, your characters are really original too... I don't normally like OC but you made me attached to these ones :) well done and I really hope you carry on! I'm adding to my favourites and following it AND you as an author... You're really good :) x
ChibiChula chapter 6 . 1/1/2011
- "Well, if she's in Slytherin…. Then she's a pureblood… right?" -

Err... Not necessarily. Tom Riddle (-aka- Voldemort) is a half blood and was a Slytherin. Harry was almost a Slytherin and he's a half blood too. Slytherin does NOT equal pureblood. Hermione would know that fact as she seems to know most facts about Hogwarts. Well, maybe not about Harry as I don't remember him telling anyone but Dumbledore about almost being a Slytherin but she'd know the fact that not all Slytherins are pureblooded.

- Ron's eyes widened "Bloody Merlin, you're right 'Mione!"

"Don't bloody Merlin me, Ronald Weasley." She scowled and added "And of course I'm right." -

Of course you're WRONG 'Mione. Well, it could be true that Alex is a pureblood but the assumption that Slytherin equals pureblood is wrong. That's my biggest pet peeve in HP fan fiction. Hermione would know better than that.

Sorry to nitpick, but if you're going to write believable characters you really need to know cannon facts and which characters would know those facts. Even though this story was written a long time ago the fact about Voldemort being a half blood was cleared up pretty early in the books and so this shouldn't have been an issue in your story. Well, I just hope your attention to detail improves in later chapters. I'll continue reading and keep my hopes up. The story itself isn't half bad so far but the fact that it's focusing so much on the OC's is worrying me. Mary Sue's are the biggest pitfall of the fandom. Once you fall into that one you'll never claw yourself out. ~_~;;;
UnwrittenLoveDreams chapter 21 . 5/24/2010
i have enjoyed this story so far
Hocapontas chapter 21 . 12/2/2009
This story is awesome! But WHEN are Harry and friends going to become Animagus? I'm REALLY looking forward to the next chapter! I would call this a 2x ultimate favorite.
dontcallmemadeline chapter 21 . 11/4/2009
I REALY love this story. I particularly like Alex's and Finbar's characters, and its interesting seeing them in a magical setting after reading your other story that features them. The idea of the seven elements is very interesting. Is Harry air? Hermione just seems more earthy to me. I was trying to work out what the other 3 elements would be after you first mentioned them, and i like the ones you've chosen.

btw, why on EARTH was Finbar being so stupid? Was it some stupid "I'm a werewolf, so you can not possibly be with me even though you knew about it beforehand and didn't care, and therefore you can not make the descision for yourself" sort of thing? Please let your faithful readers know soon!

My only complaint is that THIS WONDERFUL STORY HASN'T BEEN UPDATED IN EXACTLY FIVE YEARS! What happened? Please, please, please, please PLEASE continue this story! Preferably very soon!

Keep up the great work, and just know i'm waiting eagerly for an update
Rayne Goulet chapter 21 . 3/1/2009
wow...this is most definitly the most orginal fic i'v read...u really need 2 update..i hope u havn't given up on this fic...well great story..
TheSiner chapter 21 . 4/25/2008
He, shortish chapters? It's obviously one of your first fics if i am not mistaken.
Angelines chapter 21 . 2/28/2008

I don't know if you remember me, but I wrote you an e-mail some time ago. All I want to say about this fanfiction cannot be said in a mere review, so I'll try to summarize.

First, I completely loved this fic. I'm just a little sad 'cause Darragh is not on it, and he is my favorite. I'm also upset çause it has stopped in a very tensioned moment, and I do believe you're going to abandon this fic. I just hope you do not. And even more important, do not abandon the othr one, Hogwarts a High school, which is one of my favorites.

Now I understand that whole wolfman thing ;p

Alex is really cool, but I'm a little upset with Fimbar at the moment.

Anyway, PLEASE don't abandon the fics. I'm reading this one for one week long (I'm a very slow reader in english), and now I need to know the rest. So, please update.

Oh, and, besides, I've read Howl's moving castle. Now I'm reading something about Chrestomanci, from the same author. I loved it.

Thanks, and I'm sorry for my poor english

Leaping Lion chapter 21 . 12/5/2007
I couldn't stop reading this. I went from chapter 1 to 21 without stopping cuz I was so enthralled by it. Please, I beg thee, Please update soon.
WayOverTheTop chapter 11 . 8/24/2007
I actually really like this story but it just doesen't seem right to me that harry is attracted to its just me but the fact that harry likes men and women has an effect that ruins the but making harry bisexual does not appeal to me.
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