Reviews for Event Horizons
Kigichi chapter 4 . 2/25/2019
Ahhhh I love re-reading this over and over again

You have written my absolute FAVORITE PSOH fic out there. I found this when you first started, and it's been on my mind for years

I know you may never finish it, but thank you for all the wonderful day-dreams and made up scenarios that it has led to, keeping me entertained for years on end as I imagine what Leon could be, who is after him, and how this all ends. I'll never know, but I still have my imagination.
jacelein chapter 5 . 1/6/2019
That was intense. I'm always hungry for petshop of horror stories and I came across yours. I love what you have written and hope to see more of what you have in plan for this story!
Angelic Phantomcrow chapter 5 . 12/18/2018
...Well, that escalated quickly...
I mean I kind of was expecting that the moment talk about Seeding cane into okay, but haha, well, the lusty part of me likes it, the sex scene, the just plot appreciating one, thinks it was a bit too much and would rather continue with the story, the moral part of me is wary, because we’re all against non-con...
Even more so in a story where the plot is of interest, says one. We’ve read worse, says two. But you actually went looking for those, says one. True, but this is still in the acceptable range, says two. Barely, says one.
As you can see this is getting ridiculously loooong, but the point is, just don’t go to heavy into the sex after this and we’re good, although it’s your story...

I’m just glad I’ve got to read it, so thanks
And sorry for the mass of nonsensical words above...I’m just in that kind of mood ’
Faery66 chapter 5 . 4/7/2018
Hope to read more soon.

Guest chapter 5 . 5/17/2017
Love the story please write some more of the story
AbyssalCeres chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
OMG It's been about ten years now…what a pity
Kigichi chapter 5 . 8/30/2015
It's been eight years and I STILL hold onto the hope that this will be updated one day

Sesshygirl chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
i just read your story and instantly fell in love i was wondering if you have any plans on finishing it?
i really really hope you do it is a wonderful story and i would love to see where you would take it from where it is now
Bec chapter 5 . 6/24/2014
I love this story but are you planning on continuing it?
Kayzo chapter 5 . 6/1/2014
really like this! i know it's been a few years since this was updated but... well your last a/n says that it took a year so i'm holding out a bit of hope :) I'm really enjoying the plot of this and I like the writing style. I especially enjoy Leon's characterization! it's a side of him we don't get to see often :)
ukeleon chapter 5 . 5/30/2014
O_o oh yeah that was hot on every level Gawd I love this story I read this story a couple of years ago and i have the same reaction then and now its be on words I love how you kept the characters in character I truly believe psoh would be this super awesome if it were yaoi in the manga/anime the funny thing is that now they're coming out with a new pet shop of horrors where Chris takes the lead
XiaoWing chapter 5 . 5/5/2014
Please update
Want to know hot Leon really looks and D's reaction
ranchan-akari chapter 5 . 3/23/2014
Please update again soon? I want to see how Leon reacts when all of his memories come back and how D reacts when he finds out that Leon isn't entirely human. I want to find out what happens to Leon's kin in captivity, and I really want to see when D goes all badass on the villain trying to track down Leon!
lenanR chapter 5 . 2/3/2014
Oh my
this is one of the best pet shop fics ever!
It's sad that you left this great fic
Crimson Hope chapter 5 . 5/11/2013
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