Reviews for Change of Adress
Guest chapter 6 . 4/8/2019
Lovly so far
PINKSawa chapter 10 . 1/7/2018
Good job writing this story. Ann was such a jealous bitch that she sent a person to do something horrible, but I’m glad you wrote that Mamoru broke his jaw and ribs. That wackjob deserved to get ruffed up.
dolphinsred chapter 10 . 10/10/2017
Great job on the story keep up the good work hope you fishing the story
TropicalRemix chapter 5 . 7/23/2016
you didn't put this chapter into paragraphs
phillynz chapter 10 . 2/19/2016
I hope you update sometime really lovly story
TropicalRemix chapter 9 . 12/23/2015
please update this story
TropicalRemix chapter 8 . 12/23/2015
could you separate this story into paragraphs instead of it all jumbled into one? It's kinda hard to read like this.
TropicalRemix chapter 10 . 12/18/2015
please update this story. I really like it. I want to find out what happens next.
SereStarOfGaea chapter 10 . 4/7/2015
Well im really sad that you havent finished the story.. It is very different that the others simply because they are together and little misunderstandings dont brake them apart... I hope you update soon :)
love for edward chapter 10 . 11/9/2014
so I was getting into this story.. until I read the last authors note...I take it that since this was last updated in 2007 that you will not be updating it any more.. a shame. but I have stories like this as well (the kind that haven't been updated in years). but good job anyway
Fedski chapter 10 . 5/6/2010
well here's some more encouragement.

this story was BRILLIANT! i cannot wait until you post more. don't worry though, i feel the same way about my stories now. i have at LEAST 10 half written ones that haven't even been posted yet.
good luck with your writing and just remember that there are people here that love your work!
congrats and cheers!
Lexybug07 chapter 6 . 8/10/2009
Not to be critical (I love the story), but break the writing into paragraphs not just one huge runon paragraph makes it very hard to read. Great job on the story tho!
lightofastar chapter 10 . 11/6/2008
I love this story. I can't wait to read the rest of it. They way you have some one going after Serena just because she is with Darien. I am looking forward to what happens next.
sailormoon0630 chapter 9 . 6/29/2008
i love ur story, u did a great job on it.
Badwolfrise chapter 9 . 6/4/2008
when will u contiue
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