Reviews for My Father's Shadow
IAmCayj chapter 4 . 7/16
And that makes strike 3 for me. Any sort of sexual misconduct (sexual abuse, rape, non con or dub con) should be mentioned in the tags or summary/description. Otherwise readers have no choice but to come upon it and some (myself included at times) may prefer to not have such base acts or implications of such acts in stories we read. You may do whatever with your story of course. Won't be continuing however
IAmCayj chapter 2 . 7/16
I mean... Did the abuse literally just start this summer? Cause otherwise Harry's reactions make 0 sense. I mean, if Vernon has ways been abusing him, then he would've shown reactions like this before now. If he only just started this past summer, I guess it can be explained by being new to abuse... It's just very "over" like dude. Harry who fought a basilisk and killed professor quirrel, falling off a chair or balling up in a corner cause Snape raised his hand?
IAmCayj chapter 1 . 7/16
Kind of shitty letter (commenting on Lily, not your writing or your story). I mean, if you think you're going to die and leave your child motherless and you know you're about to tell him the only father he's ever known is in fact not his father, shouldn't you soften the blow or at least add more info about yourself or a fond anecdote of your time with Harry... Anything that can make it seem like you care about Harry and not just the fact that he is snapes father. Honestly, you've just written "Harry I'm your mom. I cheated on your 'father' but it's okay cause Severus Snape is your real father anyway. With love, mum" like dude at least add something that makes me feel like you care about the fact that I'll have grown up with no mum (again this is to "Lily," not a complaint about the story itself)
Asarcasticchild chapter 3 . 3/28
In Which Severus is Not Amused
Asarcasticchild chapter 1 . 3/28
In Which Dumbledore Becomes a Psychologist.
Cinthya chapter 17 . 4/10/2018
I dont know about the rest but i like akasha
SparkyIceblaze135 chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
Guest chapter 2 . 6/22/2016
Good so far but abused children would panic a little more when one comes close to discover their secret. ..
Sepulvedlore chapter 17 . 5/25/2016
Noooooo this was so cool Dx why did you stop? Will you ever continue? I love sev as harry's dad qwq
Guest chapter 17 . 3/23/2015
Are you going to update soon? I'm addicted to your writing and I NEED to know what happens between Draco and Harry!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/19/2015
Nnononononoonononononoononononomoomon eha5 thr fuck are they thinking!?#?!#?!- send an abused kid into the hands of an abuser !#! EhT the fyck!
Remus's Boggart chapter 2 . 9/19/2014
I've read up chapter seven and I have something to say.

Severus Snape is smart enough to work out the reason that Harry has been skipping his class and to see how terrified he was of him and how he reacted.

Even after all this they must have known or at least suspect that Harry was being abused, so why the fuck did they get Uncle Vernon to see Harry? Why didn't they just look into his minds it would have shown them everything or gave him the truth potion? It would have made much more sense and would have been a lot more sensible. Also if that's how they treat abused kids someone needs to report them.

You said you want to show how the world isn't "a fluffy place where everyone gets along right away. I wanted to show how emotions and feelings towards people do not change because of ones discovery"
I think personally if I found out my worst enemy had been abused, I ignore or at least be civil to her and not be mean or nasty. I hope that everyone would at least be civil or not cause trouble for the person.
And okay it does take a long time to accept someone after so long of hating someone, but you won't make they face their worst fear would you?
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19/2014
Oh shit danm it snape...
Love this fic hate what snape just did...
Lily Pond chapter 17 . 7/18/2014
Amazing please continue
PotterGirl101 chapter 17 . 7/16/2014
Awesome story! I love the harry angst! I'm sure I'm going to love chapter 18!
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