Reviews for Fate
Rune Tobor chapter 14 . 4/10
Eggs and ketchup (or salsa, diced tomatoes...) go well together.

I've never heard of red vinegar but it probably adds some spice.

So I agree, it is not a bad meal.
Detinc chapter 6 . 8/27/2019
Sorry, but what the Hell is up with the formatting in this chapter? It's all broken up. Makes it REALLY hard to read.
Rifful chapter 20 . 5/22/2017
Wow, that was surprisingly good. Nice ending,too.
irgendwas chapter 20 . 10/7/2016
That was great - thank you!
keichan2 chapter 20 . 10/19/2015
I just discovered that this story was finished!
(Yes! It took me THAT long…)

I had a great time reading this story!

Thanks for sharing!
i like cheese chapter 14 . 10/11/2015
kinda interesting story, but the whole relationship between chiyeko and atsuke is just incredibly forced and artificial. story would have been way better without it.
James Birdsong chapter 20 . 7/26/2015
So wonderful.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/1/2015
Great story. Now only if your other fics were as long.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/3/2015
So, umm 17 years he's supposedly been a t war with the Amazons and he hasn't done shit? Doesn't sound much like a war and doesn't sound much like Ranma. The fic sounded good but I hate fics that have insanely large plot holes to start with that you have to try to ignore. If you can't manage a good start then why should anyone believe the rest of the fic will be worth reading?
Ibskib chapter 6 . 1/30/2015
Atasuke is a creep, I really hope Chiyeko won't end up with him and that he doesn't get away with his peeping ways for too much longer.
deathgeonous chapter 20 . 12/30/2014
Hmm, I don't know if you'll get this review, but I happy that I finally had the time to read this and actually finish it. Every other time I've read it before, I've not been able to do so. Well, thanks for writing this, and goodbye for now.
Tibricel Tibby chapter 20 . 7/8/2014
Wow very fun story glad I came across it. And really glad for the happy ending... so to speak.
shugokage chapter 19 . 5/26/2014
Great job on this interesting and unique story!
Nargus chapter 6 . 1/5/2014
Merp. Issues with formatting in this chapter. Weird "?" seem to be popping up everywhere and the paragraphs are obviously word wrapped manually.
Nargus chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Oooooo that sound it Ranma with her/him self? :3
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