Reviews for Forming Alliance
nkh1 chapter 27 . 7/29/2016
Great story, to bad it's dead...
Natara chapter 27 . 8/24/2006
*sighs* So, just guessing by the lack of updates...Willow has just condemned her entire world to destruction to save her previous lover. Oh, and her current lover to eventual death. Hm...Yeah, that kinda sucks.

Ah, well. Life goes on...for us anyway.
John chapter 27 . 5/27/2006
I just read Chapter 26 or 25 depending on which counting you are going by.

It was a very good chapter. And it ends at a very dramatic spot.

However, it has been 18 months since the last update, so I don't imagine the story will ever be finished.

Oh, well. I am sorry I won't find out how it ends.
CallaRose4ever chapter 26 . 3/5/2006
This is getting pretty dark and the hole is getting deeper. I hope you can still pull together a happy ending? I hope you update soon. This is a very unique story. It is looking like there might be a little Daniel Buffy I hope that continues and that they actually get together in the end. I hope that The slayers just get deactivated and that Faith can be the Hellmouth slayer and Buffy could be the Stargate slayer. That would be cool
Inimene chapter 15 . 2/15/2006
Well is Dawn just one of the stupidest people ever or the truth serum screwed up her mind? I mean FBI, Kinsley, John O'Neill, Colorado, cell phones and the list goes on. Not only her ,but every single Buffy character doesn't figure it out that they are on Earth even after John tells Dawn that his on Earth. Thats just pathetic. You really NEED a beta to fix those mistakes.
Evilclone chapter 1 . 11/20/2005
hmm well that was interesting
tdk99992000 chapter 27 . 10/15/2005
SHAWN PROVONCHA chapter 27 . 5/4/2005
Damia - Queen of the Gypsi's chapter 20 . 4/22/2005
Marking my spot again. This is a really good fic.

- Damia -
Damia - Queen of the Gypsi's chapter 7 . 4/20/2005
I'm just marking my spot.

- Damia -
Dionne chapter 27 . 4/6/2005
Hello? Is there anybody in there?

It's been nearly 6 months, is this story still active?
julz chapter 14 . 1/16/2005
yes yes yes yes yes

i love this fic

even if you keep on adding characters, cuz your characters rock
ms8309 chapter 27 . 12/3/2004
Ragnhild chapter 27 . 11/19/2004
Stumbled across your story, and really liked it. I haven't seen Stargate so I'm not familiar with the caracters.
Ragnhild chapter 10 . 11/12/2004
Really love your story. Haven't seen much Stargate so I'm not too familiar with those characters, but I love Buffy, and have seen all seven seasons.
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