Reviews for The SATs
Pyrinsomniac chapter 1 . 3/2/2005
alopecia chapter 1 . 5/9/2004
I too wondered about how R came to take the SAT.
Good backfiller writing makes the true
storylines fuller. You show R.'s tension and savy
coping skills really well.
Nice roles for Eddie and Theresa's family. I
wondered if E and T went out before R left for
The OC. I know it wasn't a focus of you story,
so there was no hint of jealousy from R.
Just a small thing - I'm a bit confused why AJ
needs to pay for the SAT after mentioning there
is a program for fee waivers.
Thanks for this story.
crashcmb chapter 1 . 4/28/2004
I can't believe that I missed this one - I usually try to remember to check for stories that don't make it to the 'Just In' listing (yes, I have no life!), but somehow overlooked this one. I must say I'm glad to have found it - it's a very well-written story with a realistic plot line. I've added you to my 'Author Alert' list so I don't miss out on any future updates/addtions!
TeacherTam chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
Wow, this is very detailed and well-written. You are now one of my favorite authors, and on my author alert list.
Overnighter chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
This is lovely, lovely, lovely. I love the way you weave all of the half-facts we know about Ryan's past into such a plausible story - the HoT and the "trapped" layout of the house, AJ's business and his temper, Eddie's friendship with Ryan, Theresa and her mom, who likes Ryan best of all. This is just wonderful.
It's funny about the SAT scores, though. When I went to school, everyone took PSATs sophomore year, without charge, in part because your PSAT scores determined National Merit Scholarships. The school district or the individual schools paid the fees so everyone had a chance to take them. I'd jsut automatically assumed that those were the scores that Sandy referred to.
muchtvs chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Well I'm glad you revamped this and posted it. The little details make this story. All the background interwoven with the actual facts that have been revealed about Ryan on the show. I have always wondered how Ryan came about taking the test when he admitted to Sandy he didn't plan on going to college. Although I never really believed him on that. I think he was too proud to admit to Sandy that he wanted college. Great job. (And I'm not even going to mention that other story or bug you for a new chapter.)
ctoan chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Awesome! Personally, I love the incorporation of the HoT layout, but it's a beautiful thing on top of that. The story just flowed. Great job. I feel like I should say more, but it's just going to be superlative on top of superlative. I love any story involving Ryan and his interactions with either family (Cohen or Atwood). (nice work around on the sliding doors!)
Nysha63 chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Great backstory, it also explains why Ryan wouldn't be that jazzed when Sandy brought them up.
BlueStarGirl chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Loved it. I really like the way you right Chino as a not-bad-place, but a place with some undesirable people. Great job.
rune chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Gah! you get me every time.
And yes, I'm still waiting for that last chapter of "Bad Monday."
Though, I've got to say, that there are programs in SoCal (I'm from S.D.)and one of the most prevalent public school programs is AVID. It's aimed at "at risk" students who show promise or who's parents care enough to want them to get extra help. Dawn obviously wouldn't be the type of parent to get all that involved, but I can defintely see various teachers' of Ryan's trying to get him to be a part of the program. It's how I ended up taking the PSAT's as a sophomore, and the SAT's as well. I'd be interested to see your take on him having to take the SAT's again now that he's at Harbor. What do you think the Cohens would do if he got a perfect score on one portion? He's got the vocab and the seeming literary knowledge from the way he plows through those books we see him reading for class. A perfect score on the verbal might not be totally out of the realm of possibility.
Okay, yeah, you've given me way too much to think about. Way to go!
f-lix-er chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
this is tell the story so well!