Reviews for The More Things Change
SaphireCatElf chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
Good story! Anymore?
Perchance to Write chapter 2 . 9/9/2004
Hey girl! Long time no talk, huh? Summer was short, or so it seemed, but totally cool, right? Anyway, I have lots to tell you and to apologize for (especially that short email in the July! I'm really sorry about that! Now I can explain, though!), but I thought you'd rather have a review first than a "Wow, this is a hugely long email in which my friend just rambles on and on about the play of Martin Brodeur and Team Canada in the World Cup!" Yes, I am a traitor to my country and love Team Canada! They have my vote for the World Cup Champion! Wait...this is becoming "Wow, that ridiculous love review that isn't a review!" Okay, so back on track!

This story was unbelievably well written! The adjectives such as baleful and sharpened were fantastic! Calling Dragaunus a vassal? That was so degrading for the overlord as well as making Wildwing his lord! It was genius! Perfectly genius! Not to mention the introduction of Tsuki! He's bloodthirsty, yet lovable and a little goof-off, too! He's like a little mix of Nosedive and Dragaunus! I love him! *hugs the cute, little Saurian human* Why do I get the feeling he would want to kill me if I did that? I can't wait to read more of him! And considering that Canard is also still part of the Mighty Ducks, Tsuki looks like he has some problems ahead in his future! I can't wait to see what they are! And here we are to Canard, a dictator who is worse than Dragaunus! Who would have thought? I still say he gets a bad rap, but this...this is so wonderful of an idea that it makes me think that Canard is just evil! I mean, who would leave little Divey (sorry, I mean the duck guy!) on Puckworld in the camps! Evil! EVILL! Sorry, I saw Dudley Do-Right last week, you know, the movie, and Kim Darling is just stuck in my mind!

Well, I don't know if I said this enough, but this was just wonderful, fantastic, and...I don't know what else to say but it was so darn good that you get right back on your computer, missy, and start typing! It's just so well-written with so many possibilities! I cannot wait for the sequel! Stop with that Yu-Gi-Oh guy, and get back to the ducks!


P.S. I don't know if you were talking about your other beta-reader, but if you were talking to me, thanks. It means a lot to know that people actually care what I say, and my point that you are one of the best writers I have ever read has gotten across. It didn't, well, I'd just have to get my friends to tell you over and over and over...and then that would just redundant!

P.P.S. You’ll probably get an email from me next week because school has just started, and I have to find out my hours for tutoring! I’m tutoring! Wow…I think that means I’m almost a teacher…like our moms! I hope I get paid well…
Eternal Nightshade chapter 2 . 7/8/2004
_ You did got me to like this story. And I don't even WATCH M.D.!

Thanks for the lovely...Thanks? *Shrugs * I hope your summer is as awesome and wonderful as you are too. 'Cause you deserve it! :D
Daniella L'orange chapter 2 . 6/8/2004
Bravo! Encore! Excellent chapter. Tsukiyo's emotions were deep and real. You're a great writer. Oh and on the romance thing. Go for it. Maybe you can try a duck/saurian romance. Natalie and Tsukiyo, possibly? Forbidden and frowned upon relationships are always sexy and intriguing. Anyway keep writing.

Love and God Bless,

Silver Elf Child chapter 1 . 4/27/2004
I want to leave the review.
Drop the keyboard duck girl.
But Elfy... *Mirage shrinks away as Elfy brandishes her new play toy*. Always has to pull that move. I hate it when she does that.
Hiya! Sorry about that. If you don't take your characters into control they tend to get ideas of their own. Mirage... well she's been itching to see more fanfic action and I haven't been being nice so she did that. Sorry.
Now to review your story...
"She left me out!"
Shut up duck. She probably doesn't know about you. Oui! Ducks. Okay, now I liked the idea. Killing Nosedive is always fun. There were a few errors, like you said that there would be, but not bad. If you would like proof reading tips drop me an email at . I do my own proof reading since the comptuer eats the manuscripts when I email them to beta readers.
Anyway... this is a great idea, duck/humans. Interesting. never thought of that, or did I? Don't remember, too lost in school work. Now you posed a question at the end of your story of what we think you should do if you continue, and continue you must. My advice is to do what you feel that must be done. This is your story. It is only for you to tell and not others to influence, unless you want influence. Now I'm guilty of asking what people want, but generally they don't get it, even though when I set out I mean to do just that (give them what they want). Like I said before, my characters generally take on a mind of their own and do their own thing when they want to. Anyway... keep writing and don't worry about flames. those people need help anyways. If they can't give you constructive criticism then slag on them. This site was made to help improve our writing, I know mine has, not to insult others (and trust me I've been insulted before).
Smile, Live, Laugh, Love and God Bless
Silver Elf Child
AKA Elfy.
Perchance to Write chapter 1 . 4/23/2004! I have to say that you definitely did not mary-sue this puppy. It was a great idea and very original with the ideas of Drakewind and the others with their make-up. I'm very impressed! You have a knack for writing the insight; therefore, he didn't babble. He explained the situation. I loved the background with Canard's mind twisted and the fact that Dragaunus swore alligence(sp?) to Wildwing. You've done a wonderful job with the set-up, and I can only wish that you'd write more! If you don't mind, I'd love to email you and place the puck around about your guys. They seem interesting to say the least.
Well, great job and excellent story.
Daniella L'orange chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
I love this story. It's wonderful. I, honestly, thought your plot was quite and if you have the time. PLEASE write more about Saber. I myself am a Duke fanatic and thoroughly enjoyed that paragraph. Keep up the good work!
Love and God Bless,