Reviews for The Smell Before Rain
happimood chapter 20 . 8/1/2019
I think I’ve read this story at least three times before I felt completely ok to write a review.

My god. This was probably one of THE best literati ficsif not in GENERALI’ve ever read. You’re truly a master at your craft. Perfect balance between bliss and angst simultaneously.

I read the reviews beforehand how everyone stated that Jess and Rory don’t end up together but for some reason, I couldn’t stop reading even though I already knew the result.

Even more than a decade after being written, this fic still haunts anyone who reads it. I lie awake at night thinking about this.

Thank you for this.
Lolitsme2147 chapter 20 . 6/16/2017
It's nice to know that there are still accomplished writers in this day and age. As a fellow writer, my feelings for this fanfic are mixed. Had I wanted to watch Rory and Jess not end up together, I would've just watched the regular Gilmore Girls tv show. But you managed to break Jess' and my heart in 68k words. Beautiful writing for sure but your cruelty should not be go unnoticed. Your writing is definitely a great one but I feel as though you wasted it on this story. Once again, had I wanted to see Literati not come together in the end I would've watched the tv show. My feelings are mixed as you wrote the whole story beautifully but still managed to piss the hell out of me. I can't believe writers like you today just throw amazing talent. For those of you who are still reading the story and are still holding out hope for Literati, let me end your cries right now. They don't end up together. This writer as prolific as they are in the English language, is not one of mercy, nor do they understand the reasons of the genre literati. We as readers come in search of a happy ever after as the writers of Gilmore Girls never gave that to us. It never helped us to see writers such as yourself write cruel stories with a beautiful but horrible ending. I really do hope you read this review or at least someone read this and benefited from this before wasting time on such a literary masterpiece waste such as this story. I wish you the best and I would love to see a better ending to a different story.
ilovecake chapter 20 . 11/13/2016
holy shit. i thought they were going to get their happily ever after eventually. but no. you managed to break jess heart and mine in 68k words. at this point im sure Romeo and Juliet are better off than Rory and jess. at times I like the way you portrayed Rory. Other times I really did not like her. She is selfish. But every character needs and has flaws. The transitions between the past and the present were written wonderfully. They flowed pretty and easily. I think the only think that bothered me or could be edited was the changing of Rory's and Jess's voice. It confused me a bit as I was reading. Maybe add an ellipses or page break when changing characters (that's if you still look at these reviews). Other than that I don't think there was anything wrong with this fic. Thanks for sharing your work.
-j.l (p.s. I think that's my user name but idk know it's late, again thank you for sharing your work; writing isn't easy)
Esmeralda2134 chapter 20 . 12/7/2015
You write them like Heathcliff and Catherine and that is my biggest compliment.
Maranna Listten chapter 20 . 8/27/2015
I am shocked. I am heartbroken. I am completely enthralled by this story and your writing. It was beautiful and disastrous all at once. One of the best I have ever read.
Vivian H chapter 18 . 5/26/2015
Not loving your Rory but can't stop reading. I hate that she keeps stringing Jess along.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/13/2015
So ten years later and your story still gets people. I cried through most of it. I think you portrayed their messy relationship perfectly. I always thought that after the series she and Jess figured it out, but at the same time they knew how to hurt each other. I also think you portrayed Rory as weak which everyone seems to gloss over. She went back to Logan (or in this case Blake) time and again after he was way worse to her than Jess ever was. Jess was a mess because of his life, Logan (Blake) was just a rich bastard snob. But Rory also didn't know how to be alone. Jess on the other hand I don't think ever got over Rory and I think what she did to him (in the series and this fic) is way worse than anything Jess ever did.
continue it chapter 20 . 10/15/2014
This was a beautifully written story. It was also very heart breaking for people who became invested with the characters. Please write a happy ending. Please.
darkheadlights chapter 20 . 7/17/2013
I think this is the first Rory/Jess story I've read where they DON'T end up together. Made me sad, but it is kind of refreshing too. I really enjoy your writing. Wish you would come back. :(
dramaqueen452 chapter 20 . 2/13/2012
This was fucking awesome, yet depressing at the same time. Nicely done though
krystalMage chapter 20 . 9/16/2011
Dear gods, you burned me inside out.

I love you. I hate you.

I will never forget this story.
882md1 chapter 20 . 7/11/2010
wow. Tragic.

And emotional mind-effing rollercoaster.


But it could really only end this way.

Thanks for writing!
TeBlacks chapter 20 . 10/19/2009
Huh, I read this today and I have to say this was one of the few JR fics I didn't want to end "happily ever after" because that would somehow have ruined the whole story.

I must say it was very nicely written and it made me hope somehow all the way, but not really.

Keep on writing!
hhecsi chapter 20 . 7/18/2009
oh my god...

that was amazing! im crying right now, im not kidding! fantastic job!
Ro2212 chapter 20 . 6/3/2009
Wow. That nearly had me in tears most of the way through! You're an amazing writer! I personally would've liked Rory and Jess to get together, but I still think it was an amazing story. Very emotional and thought provoking. A job excellently done :)
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