Reviews for Thoughts of a metal soul
Guest chapter 1 . 2/15/2005
This was a tragic story and I can truely understand Metal Shadow I never thought that Sick Bastered Robuttnik would do that to a small child now I always thought metal was always bad but now I think he was really good inside he was just filled with anger and Metal Shadow for being some what good once Bye Bye
Unknown Chao chapter 1 . 7/19/2004
You should make a story out of this!

This actually made me cry... *_*

Put SA1 and SA2 and maybe some Sonic Heroes characters into your story...

Could you also put Metal Sonic in there and make him inter-act with Metal Shadow?

Thank You!

I'm sure if you make a story out of this, I'll cry a lake(and maybe others too)

_ Gomen, and thank you!
Aeyvi Allen Poe chapter 1 . 5/18/2004
*shudders* wow... that was vivid. bravo on your morbidity. i only rarely get like that... that was truly a masterpiece. don't continue it, though, you might ruin the feel of it. almost forgot, im on probation 'till the 19th (tomorrow at noon) so you won't find my two latest chappys until then, neh. ok, i'll stop talking about me. i think you need a hug after writing that, poor thing...*hugs*
SyIzumakai chapter 1 . 5/16/2004
omg... omg... This was so.. so powerful... Great job. :) Thing was.. i was crying through half of it... My writing skills are nothing compared to yours. You always seem to be able to capture feeling and convert them into powerful sentences that make people want to read again and again. I hope i'm making sense. Also one more thing. As i stated on my updateing profile, i can't get to the button where i can review your other story. But when can you will expect an extra long review from me. Cyas _