Reviews for This
Cogito Ergo Sum chapter 1 . 9/17/2004
This is a nice little piece. I want to comment on a few things, mostly about what other people wrote, but first I'm gonna say something about the story itself:

'I began...began to want him, for him, I thought, but I really wanted to be a—wanted to lose my virginity.'

I don't think that this is something Fantine would think. She was a shy, naïve creature. But anyway, it is your story and your interpretation. Now I'll commend on the other commentators.

Tattered Sparrow, the book says this:

'An hour later, when she had returned to her room, she wept. It was her first love affair, as we have said; she had given herself to this Tholomyes as to a husband, and the poor girl had a child.'

Which means that she most definately already had Cosette before Tholomyes left her. (asshole) *cough* Excuse me.

Alanna (wow, do I know you ;) (yup.)), his name really is Félix :)
Tonald chapter 1 . 7/26/2004
Short, but quality comes over quantity here. It should be 'I lusted *after* his mind', but oh well.

Assuming Félix is Tholomyes' first that canon or an invention? I can't remember myself...

Anyway, glad to see some Fantine fic. I think you've got her down well - she seems to have two main characteristics, her love for him and her love for Cosette. I'm not sure about the first bit - I see her as being truly in love, but that's just interpretation.

Did he really stay for two years? I thought he left her after a summer, but I can't remember my canon so I'm not going to call you on that.

Overall, short but a good read. :)
tattered sparrow chapter 1 . 5/20/2004
Actually, Tholomyes left Fantine before she had Cosette, before she even told him that she was pregnant. However, this is a very good story that really displays the raw emotions that Fantine was feeling. Good work!
deletedaccounttake2 chapter 1 . 5/18/2004
Utterly lovely m'dear. You really got into the mind of Fantine.
And to answer the Shrek question: Definately Sir Percy and the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Definately Sir Percy. *glomps Sir Percy* Then of course... could just be my partiaility (sp?) to Douglass Sills, who played Percy in the Scarlet Pimprenel musical... *drools*
Vest-Button chapter 1 . 5/17/2004
Wow! This is your best one yet!
I love the way you sometimes have a break between a word and the rest of the sentance,
ex: "I still - still care for him."
It's really cool, it leads to the impression that it's Fantine talking. Very personal.
Toff chapter 1 . 5/17/2004
I've been wondring when we'd see some more Fantine fics. Excellent work. Really brings out her emotions!