Reviews for Stalking Lily Evans
loveallthefandoms123 chapter 3 . 9/4/2015
"Sinful Object" HAHAHA
loveallthefandoms123 chapter 3 . 9/4/2015
That cracked me up for five minutes...
Great story,really funny and i saw James in a whole new stalkerish light!
Em94 chapter 6 . 8/24/2013
Just read all 6 chapters. Really good and funny.
jilyspottering chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
Flawless, is all I can say.
lydia chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
after just the first chapter, okay, not even the first chapter, somewhere half-way, I must say that this is hilarious fun. lovees.
FiWaEaAi chapter 6 . 12/3/2010

This is positively the best journal-style L/J story I ever read. I laughed my head off, and I found it, years after it's been written, just at the right time. I have been sad all day because my grandfather died, and then I found this, and it made me feel loads better. So thank you, years later, for this wonderful fic! You rock! ;)
nonononnonnn chapter 5 . 7/3/2010
*sighs* I envy your writing

I love Remus in these chapters, it shows his cheeky side :D

Pistis Sophia chapter 6 . 4/25/2010
lol, james is very conceited and vain!
xoxokat chapter 6 . 8/6/2009
Hahahaha I loved it :) Very funny...I have a strange respect for people who write funny stories...most likely because I suck at them anyways I loved all the notes and thought it was a great story

The Loners Club chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
we both love this story so much we decided it deserved an extra fave and review!

"Sinful Object has been successfully torched.

Will never speak of it again."

possibly one of the greatest scenes to ever hit our screens.

Kitty and Ndoki!
Gtimes3 chapter 6 . 11/14/2008
17 November(I think; It's Pudsey Bear day anyhow...)

Trying to be funny and original by writing review in style of recently read romance novel - I mean story.

Realised that this has probably been done once or twice, or many times beforehand; but have concluded that I don't care: I am awesome; I am amazing; I am beautiful; have minty fresh breath, and will thus own the others.

After several hours...make that minutes; have pinned down the main points of praise for the story in this review:

- The absolutly HILLARIOUS - with a capital H-I-L-L-A-R-I-O-U and S

"It's spelt H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s"

- Shut up Mooney

- As I was saying; the absolutly HILARIOUS characterisation of the charecters (especially the most important, and amazing chacter -




- James.

- The brilliance of the plotline

- The fantastic humour.

For example:

1) 'so if some amorous boy decides to try to…I dunno, take advantage of her while she is wearing my clothes, he can read the name on the tag and he’ll say, “Oh, you’re James Potter’s girl? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize” and back off.

Because am obviously v. intimidating.'

2) 'Saw Subject start to undress for bed through her window from where we were practicing on the Quidditch pitch. Flew into goalpost.

Padfoot will not shut up about it.

May hex him in his sleep.'

"Messr Padfoot would like to point out that this was indeed the highlight of the whole fan-fic; and probably the most exciting part of Prongs' life, which is VERY boring."

"Messr Mooney would like to point out; in that case, that Mr Padfoot must have an EXTREMELY boring life."

- And my final example (there were many to chose from)

'Padfoot came up with two hundred and two ways in which he’s better than me.

And then asked to copy my Astronomy homework because he didn’t have time to do his.

Where do I find these people?'

- Overall must emphasise that this is possibly one of the best fics of all time

"Mr Padfoot would like to proclaim that this was made possible only by his appearances; and whipped cream"

- ever.
IDreamOfFantasy chapter 6 . 11/7/2008
please please please tell me there is more coming! you can't stop now!

xox Kitty
pensiveaddict chapter 1 . 4/17/2008
I'm suing you! Yes...It's not funny, you know?-beating yourself in the thighs while laughing uncontrollably! (Don't question me on's a weird habit of mine...blame my genes! :)) AND, I'm pulling my hair out! It was UNBELIEVABLY hilarious! My neighbours probably have just decided that I'm utterly crazy, if they haven't yet, that is! :) Laughing so hard and crazy! I've read 'Deflating' before in some other site and couldn't review there...Sorry! But, I hope to read it, again, here and review it! (It was such a good story!) Now, I better go and read the next chappie! :)
eleanor9707 chapter 2 . 3/1/2008
Potterworm chapter 6 . 2/8/2008
Wow. This story was really unique, and oh so perfect. I've never seen anything like it.
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