Reviews for Band of Brothers
Zeberdee69 chapter 4 . 4/4/2013
Well I kind of fell in love with this AU! Definitely going to have to hunt some more WWII/LOTR fics, thank you for the introduction! :-)
losse chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
hm...i just finished writing for a college application form how the book Band of Brothers essentially disabused me of my fascination with war. not that my interest is now reignited, but your fic definitely made the images a little easier to deal with.

that was well written and thoughtful. i loved especially the scene of merry and pippin coming out of the fog with a whistle. and the AU worked.
Midnight Promise chapter 4 . 12/9/2006

You know whats really sad? Most of teh homeless are veterans? They risked their lives, saw their friends die, and still fought for a cause and country only to be homeless?

Again, thanks for posting this story so we can remember and respect the ones that have lived and died for their country.

Great story, I loved it.

Midnight Promise chapter 3 . 12/9/2006

Heh, reading this I really didn't expect to cry so much. I guess you never really realize how many die for the right cause and for their country. So, thanks for posting this story and reminding us.


Again, a tissue warning would have been nice.

Midnight Promise chapter 2 . 12/9/2006

Short chapter but still well loved. I liked how did Denethor the hardened solider, like much how he was in LOTR.

Midnight Promise chapter 1 . 12/9/2006

Wasn't sure about this story when I read the summary but its captured my attention.

Thanks to all the veterans for what you have done for America.

Star-Stallion chapter 4 . 10/28/2005
I loved every word of this story! I only found it about an hour ago but you had me hooked all the way through! Beautifully written and freshly unique; yup, I loved it! ;) I hope you've got more stories to write as great as this one...

x Star x
Deb chapter 4 . 4/10/2005
'And never forget the heroes that died to secure our freedoms.'

Amen to that. I love this story, I really do. My parents both served in the military, and my younger brother is in now. If you ever get to Hawaii, after you visit the memorial to the Arizona, go to the Punch Bowl. It's amazing.

And did I mention that I was thrilled to see my favorite hero of the Ring War, Boromir?
Ithil-valon chapter 4 . 9/30/2004
"The lost would (will) not be forgotten or nor would (will) thei sacrifices tarnish with time. They were (are) heroes to them all...forever.

Thank you so much!
Ithil-valon chapter 3 . 9/30/2004
This chapter is so much like real war...heartbreak and joy mingle side by side.

Some of the line of this chapter are simply materful! "Never again would he share the exasperated 'can-you-believe-the-mess-we're-in' looks with Aragorn. Or hear the other man's steady voice amid the chaos of battle, quelling his men's fears and steering them unswervingly through danger. But worst of all, Legalos would never again be engulfed in the comfort of his friend's presence." ~ This had me in tears. And you know, I realized that you had captured exactly the feeling I get when reading your stories. It's as though I'm engulfed in the comfort of your presence, your vision, and your writing. :) That's a really neat feeling, mellon nin. Thank you.

"But hope was a hard thing to abandon." Sniff. So beautiful and so poignant.

I think this story has just become an all time favorite. The trouble is, I want you to write more! Maybe you can find it in your heart to write some more adventures of Fellowship Company! I would truly love that.
Ithil-valon chapter 2 . 9/30/2004
This is SO awesome! You have the mannerisms down (exchanging the smokes), you have the lingo down (hell for leather, etc), this is just incredible. What absolute fun and a perfect delight to read!

I really do love reading stories from this era. There is such a wealth of emotions to tap into from this time. I love how you have woven my favorite LOTR characters into my favorite era! It's like it was written just for me!
Ithil-valon chapter 1 . 9/30/2004
Ok, I'm a day or two late here, but I just found this incredible story! Fellowship Company! :) I love it!

Legalos' conflicted emotion and guilt over being safe while his "buddies" are still in danger is right on target. (I do some work with WWII Vets and you've captured their spirit quite nicely. What an extraordinary bunch of men!)

Aw, Legalos..."The rational part of him knew that he could not have swayed the fate that had befallen Fellowship Company but his heart wished he had at least shared in it."
Icy Sapphire15 chapter 4 . 6/24/2004
Thanks for doing this. I lost two WWII vets this year, and one of them served in the first wave at D-Day. This is a true tribute to all the vets, dead and alive, of WWII.
Celebdil-Galad and Tinlaure chapter 4 . 6/6/2004
I love this. My grandfather is a WWII vet and this touched me because after I talked with him and bought him the movie Band of Brothers, my life has never been the same. Thank you so much for writing this odd, yet touching fic. I have never found one like this before and think it took a lot of talent to write. Wow! Tin isn't with me (we write together as the name implies) but she would agree 100%. No! we will NEVER forget!

Luv this fic,

Lady of the Lake2 chapter 1 . 6/4/2004
Oh - I love this...I just read the first chapter you had emailed to me and since I have you on author alert I saw 3 more posts from you so I was hoping that is was more of the same, because I did not have time to say

oh please send more...

(squeals with Glee)

happy I am to find more here...

I love the nick names you ladeled out to the charcters very clever you are mt precious...

off to read more

I'll email you later - with more stuff from me and I ned your help and input on that other story you are helping me with...



The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword

O[]x[]: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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