Reviews for Measuring Love
LordBakuryu chapter 2 . 10/6/2014
Very good history... please continue
Mercy chapter 2 . 9/4/2013
Please continue this is amazing
YYY Forever chapter 2 . 6/17/2010
It would be wonderful if you continued this story. Pwetty-pwease?
Kidiu chapter 2 . 7/16/2007
Aw, really sweet, tender story. I'm sorry to hear you've dicontinued it, but I know you have your reasons. I hope that someday, you might be able to continue. Again, really cute story! I learned how to say hello in Arabic! Cool!
llivla chapter 2 . 3/5/2007

::cringe:: oh the irony of finding the only fics i could ever enjoy to be discontinued...
TriplePivotTurn chapter 2 . 11/1/2006
pleease don't be dead.

This story is so awesome, but... you haven't written on it or ages and ages and ages and ages and...yeah. A long time. I'd love it if you'd write again. please.
speckled pup01 chapter 2 . 8/26/2006
this is a good story, why did you discontinue it? meany.
cream-puffs chapter 2 . 11/12/2005
You should kill off Yuugi's mother by getting a steamroller run her over.

Then Yami and Yuugi will live happily ever after. :P
SqueakGirl chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Please, update this adorable story! This story is so good. I really believe you ought to finish this story for the sake of your faithful readers who have been waiting with bated breath for an update! I know that you have stated that you have lost interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! but I personally believe that if you start something you should finish it. Especially if that thing you started has made many people happy and with your prolonged absent form updating made people quite disappointed as well. I mean no disrespect but in all honesty it's quite saddening to know that so many people are hoping for an update and their hope might only be in vain.

Signed Your Faithful and Patient Reader,

Shan's Mousey
Master Elora Dannan chapter 2 . 10/9/2005
Must update! Please! Let Atemu stay with Yugi! *slaps Kyoko with a frying pan* DIE! DIE! DIE! More Yami/Yugi fluff! Please update soon!
Erudit chapter 2 . 9/30/2005
I think you don't suck at all. You are actually quite good at writing.

But I've just realized that you haven't updated for a really long time. Are you lpanning on continuing the story? I would really like to see where it goes.

Please continue!
Sugarmoe chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
I know I've already reviewed for the second chapter, but I just felt that maybe you needed a little bit of a reviewers boost to help show that your work is very much appreciated even though you have heaps of reviwes already! I can't wait for the next chapter! I should probably ask, is there going to be another?
Shan's Mousey chapter 2 . 8/30/2005
I can't believe you've lost interest in your stories! They are excellent! The best! Especially this one where you are most creative. I've been waiting day after day for this to be updated. And I so hope you do! I mean I know you might have lost interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! but you shouldn't let your fans down. Even if you no longer enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh! you should at least finish what you started! I hope to see you update in the near future until then I will remain your faithful reader and wait.

P.S. Just so you know this story along with your other one called 'Love,Yuugi' are on my favorite list and you are one of my favorite authors. I believe you have great talent and should continue just for the sake of it.

From your faithful reader and fan,

Shan's Mousey
DaakuKitsune chapter 2 . 8/26/2005
Please update! This is really a great story! - I can't wait to read more! *jumps up and excitedly* Please continue with this!

*throws sharp objects at Yugi's mom* RAWR!

Cute story! I really love it!
TenkunoMeiou chapter 2 . 7/27/2005
Aw! That was so cute! Keep going!
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