Reviews for Ava Adore
PerhappinessL chapter 43 . 12/7/2015
Hello, I'm a fan of this fanfic, but I saw that it's been a long time without post anything, and I'm curious, can I have a little hope and expect that you will end this fic, I mean, this story it's amazing, so, please, keep writting, I know you have abandoned this fic for 8 years, but, please, if you don't want to write, just put in the synopsis "abandoned", okay?
And I'm sorry about my english, I'm brazilian, so...
AliceCullen3 chapter 43 . 7/12/2014
ErrorInvalidEntry chapter 43 . 1/19/2013
Its been 5 years O_O HOLY CRAP. I...please come back!
blaleblelelel chapter 4 . 10/4/2012
Don't tell me that Harry's going to be a topper in the relationship! D:
blaleblelelel chapter 3 . 10/4/2012
Damn, wanted to 'see' a naked Draco! xD

Hope Draco gropes Harry the first time he sees him! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 2 . 10/4/2012
Ha, this is a good chapter! I wonder how Harry will meet Draco! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
Never read a high school fic in a long time! :D This ought to be good!
anonymous chapter 43 . 5/25/2012
How could you write 43 chapters (or less if you don't count the authors notes) in 3 years and then completely stop! I hate writers like you who write amazing stories and then drop them like midway through with no explanation. Honestly, your story was very intriguing and I enjoyed it immensely. I just wish you'd actually finished.
Eris Potter-Charmed Child chapter 32 . 12/24/2011
love it love !
Eris Potter-Charmed Child chapter 31 . 12/24/2011
love it love
meSlash chapter 43 . 12/17/2010
Hi Riley! what's up? How are you?

I still have hope that you can finish this fic. I so wish you

could finish. I love this fic! Please, end it.

jess.sree chapter 43 . 12/10/2010
please update. love it a lot so far!
AB Feta chapter 43 . 11/21/2010
deactivatedwriter chapter 43 . 9/6/2010
I have long lost hope to see this fiction finished. Which saddens me to no end, as this was one of my first fics from HP fandom that I ever read, and clearly one of my favorites for a long time. I must be in fandom since 2005~2006, so it's a five years love for this story.

I hope that, wherever you are, you and your friends are okay. Thank you for sharing it anyway. It made me discover a whole new world of fics.

If you're still there and reading this, please, know that I'm profoundly glad.
Loola Malfoy chapter 43 . 8/22/2010

I do not know if it will go right to send you this message since I'm not very good english ...

But I'll try anyway!

I love your fic and you really wanted to continue to put it.

I love that Harry poison while shy that you did, love this smoker draco ...


I hope to read more in the next chapter

I promise to comment whenever you can

Big kiss
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