Reviews for Mixed Signals
purrfus chapter 2 . 7/22/2009
Intriguing origin story for Sentinels.

I felt very sorry for Victor. No Tok'ra in need of a host?

What happens with Colleen and Malek/Shan? What happens to Jim and Blair?
purrfus chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
The relationship between Malek/Shan and Colleen is well done, and flows into and through the other storylines.

The Peru parts, Daniel Jackson, and Blair Sandburg are pushing all the right buttons.
scgirl-317 chapter 2 . 3/25/2008
Way awesome! I've been wondering when someone would do a Sentinel/SG1 crossover. Great work! I love how you showed Malek's mythical host (you know he's there, you just never see him, just the opposite of Aldwin). Thought the romance between Colleen and Malek was sweet! I loved how you had Tejete kidnap Blair! Sandy's as bad as Daniel; *always* in the middle of trouble, never safe, can't leave him alone for a second!

Loved it!
Halfpastdead001 chapter 2 . 9/13/2007
what a wonderfull fic i couldnt stop reading ! you write beautifully and your discriptions realy brought everything to life
vicki chapter 2 . 3/14/2007
wow, I'm impressed the ending is very fairytale-like (new word ;-P)

yet it still fits with the story and the character
Nighshae chapter 2 . 7/6/2005
Very, very good story, but are you really finished with it? What happened to Dr. Jensen? Will Daniel go talk to Ellison and explain about Oma? Or will Ellison seek him out to ask? You left a lot of things hanging here, I hope to see more to this story!
Starcat3579 chapter 2 . 6/10/2004
wow! this was awsome! please write a sequal or something!

DA chapter 2 . 6/9/2004
Wow. This is great. I hope you write more. I really enjoyed reading Mixed Signals.

Thanks for sharing
black leather chapter 2 . 6/9/2004
Hello there

Wow! It's a great story. I love it.

You are a very talented writer, and this story only proves my opinion :) You have managed to write a very realistic and fascinating fic.

I hope that you'll write more Stargate fanfics in the future, especially the fics about Malek's adventures on Earth.

Good luck

Village-Mystic chapter 1 . 6/8/2004
An interesting story so far. Lots of character development on Malek-Shan, and an adventure plot shaping up with some of the more familiar characters.