Reviews for Artemis Fowl: The Cracked Reflection
The Beetle chapter 4 . 7/5/2007
Love it! Please continue-I can't wait for the next installment!
Update chapter 3 . 11/14/2006
Hamburg. Hm...
trev chapter 3 . 10/6/2005
ok the folling r just wrong.

Minerva McGonagall/ Sybil Trelawney (wrinkles!)



wel...watever floats ure goat...
trev chapter 2 . 10/6/2005
y would u write fanfictions and not post them? Y WOULD U DO THAT? DO U TAKE PLEASURE IN TELLING PPL ABOUT HOW MUCH U WRITE AND THEN NOT POSTING THINGS? U...SADIST! NO WONDER U FANCY VOLDEMORT! (wait...did i say that outloud?)

and yuri? is it written like that? as in opposite to yaoi. that is unusual pairings - hermione/ginny etc. no straight girls write that stuff. IS THERE SOMETHING U AREN'T TELLING ME? :-P

wait u r pagan r u wiccan like liz? cuz i made a spell for her! ;-D

frogs and tadpoles,

newts so sticky,

bubble up and

inlovewithArtemis chapter 4 . 7/3/2005
This is good.I think they are in character. And Louise's eyes, she might be able to look at a computer screen if it's only one eye that got damaged. She can just cover the eye that got damaged and look out of her regular eye.
TheBlackCoyote chapter 4 . 6/27/2005
TheBlackCoyote chapter 3 . 2/22/2005
Up date i love this story hehehehhe
I wove it write more...

or else...


TrisakAminawn chapter 4 . 2/14/2005
Oh, I like it. It's fun. HAS Artemis gone off the deep end, and it hasn't yet manifested? Ooh, and this girl is definitely sadistic. *shudders* She's very well written. I want more! (Is it just me, or is the quality of writing better in the Artemis Fowl category than in any other I've tried?) Well, go ahead and write another chapter. What are you waiting for? IT'S BEEN HALF A BLASTED YEAR!

May you fare well wherever you fare, and eyrie recieve you at journey's end.
dixiechiq chapter 4 . 2/12/2005
Aie! Two problems with this story:

1) The LEP do not have problems with people who believe in them. People who have proof are different. But remeber, Arty created a database on the People and he lived, plus it wasn't enough information. The People do not just kill innocent Mud Men.

2) Louise has issues and I'm starting to hate her.

Otherwise, very good! You style is good, and not typos.
me obviously chapter 3 . 1/31/2005
Update! It's a good story so far and I wanna see where this goes. Let me guess Louise knabs Trouble?

I can see how with her eyes, which would never be that advanced; I mean Louise reminds me of Inspector Gadget! Does anyone else see the likeness between the two?; but I can look over that if you write her character right, but if you make her MarySue...well ...just don't make her a Marysue. Great job... I'm waiting for your update. So pick it up!
TheBlackCoyote chapter 2 . 1/26/2005
write some more
MONKYBOY3245 chapter 3 . 9/27/2004
kevins8 chapter 3 . 8/22/2004
great story! plz update. the suspense is killing me.
ckret2 chapter 3 . 6/20/2004
Heh. Cool! Update soon, I wanna see where this is going. I'm amazed that Foaly didn't find all the COMPUTER files he was looking for. Foaly! Beaten at technology! By a HUMAN, no less! This makes two he's lost to. And a human girl that can see through faerie shields...

Update soon! I wanna see where this is going. From the summary, probably to Louise abducting Trouble Kelp?

You know what's funny? I made a fic (that I never wrote down) where Artemis gets his memory back, and when he finishes reading I think he'd faint. Apparently, you do too. Why is that? I guess because it means we don't have to deal with figuring out what he'd do right after that. Heh, so we're cheaters! _

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