Reviews for Absolutely pointless poetry
Punk-Rock-Chick02 chapter 43 . 3/30/2006
I love dark poems. Definitely love this one. I can't make positive poems at all, and if i tried they'd end up being really crappy and stuff...heh-heh...You're an awesome writer, keep it up! )

Oh, and keep writing!

pisceanchic101 chapter 43 . 7/30/2005
that was good. nice job!
Slayergirl1362 chapter 43 . 4/10/2005
great message
Slayergirl1362 chapter 42 . 4/10/2005
*sending you a hug*
Slayergirl1362 chapter 41 . 4/10/2005
yep, me too. ~.~
Slayergirl1362 chapter 40 . 4/10/2005
yes, it was good _
Sooty Wing chapter 43 . 3/28/2005
sorry i haven't reviewed for a little.

I like the ending the best, and the line, "Locking my in death's unbreakable embrace..." I also like the message that Death is not the path to take.

keep writing.

Depressed Wiccan chapter 43 . 3/4/2005
I like it. I like dark poems. Mainly b/c I write lots of dark stuff. Lol. Ok, thats it. Plz keep writing ur poems!
Invader Cloudie chapter 43 . 3/3/2005
I like it, its dark and spooky, No offence if you dont like the word "spooky" because I dont like the word either, but anyway, You like MCR? Cool! i like they're song I am Not Okay. Please write more... please?
Blood Darkness chapter 43 . 3/3/2005
*hugs to death... again* Please, please, don't do anything to yourself. *frowns* I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt! I know you can do this. I know that you can make it through this. And I know you will. You're heart is so strong. You can make it through this, Morph. This was an awesome poem. Keep it up. Love you.

Please stay safe for me.

Peppermint Dream 2 lazy 2 sign in chapter 43 . 3/2/2005
For the love of Pete! Your poems don't suck. Why you're one of the best poet's I know, no lie. Please, update, and don't put yourself down like that.
Sooty Wing chapter 42 . 3/2/2005
one of your best, in my opinion. you should consider getting your poems published.

keep writing,

Raventhedarkgoddess chapter 42 . 3/1/2005
Well, I've been nothing but lazy, so I didn't review the poem before this... Sorry, I'm WAY out of it recently. ((In case you couldn't tell... Damn, there I go, babbling away like some crazy person... Which I am, never mind.)) Very nice job on both, but they just cut so deep... *sigh* Try to keep your hopes up. *hug*

~Rae Rae

PS: I still love you more! I WIN, CASE CLOSED!
Blood Darkness chapter 42 . 3/1/2005
*hugs and doesn't let go until you hug me back- which will probably be never* I have faith that you'll find your hapiness. I know you will. Just like I said before, someday, everything will be alright. One day. Please don't do anything to yourself... I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt... or anything worse. This was a great poem, but, like I said before, it still burns. Keep it up. Love you.

Yes, if you're wondering, I was scared when I wrote that chapter too. ;

Peppermint Dream 2 lazy 2 sign in chapter 41 . 2/28/2005
T-T *sniff* So sad! (hugs AP, and plants a little kiss on his forehead)
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