Reviews for Monochrome
Stark chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
This isn't's the way the story should have been written to begin with. You write characters wonderfully.

This Relm is truly Shadow's daughter. Is it selfish to want more fics from you? :)
Robert chapter 1 . 11/1/2005
You mentioned the weakness yourself (horribly OOC), but it was extremely enjoyable. I absolutely love how you took the words right out of Shadow's mouth. Genius.
Guardian1 chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
Oh, my God, how could I not have read this before? I hate my life.

Perfect, dark, cruelly unsentimental - your Relm isn't OOC in the bad sense of the word; this is a more grown-up Relm, the apple not falling far from the tree where her daddy's concerned. I've fallen in love with this. Amen for this being cooler than a rescue from that goddamn painting. I love this Relm - I half wish you'd write more, honestly, though this stands beautifully by itself as a character sketch.

"Just enough to feed my dog." Perfect, perfect.
kimi no vanilla chapter 1 . 7/11/2004
What a beautiful piece. I really LOVE the parallels you draw between Relm and Shadow here. Like father, like daughter indeed...
kristin rahe chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
Monochrome was OK...I would have been a lot better if it were longer;it almost came off as a terse story about , it was good and the title was unique and fitting. Nice! :)

The paragraph 'She was young,perhasaps too young, certainlly too young,to be drowning her troubles in the murky contents of the devils bottle. Yet none prottested, nor did they attempt to stop her. Who could blame her?She was alone..Alone in a world of nothing' was very toching. Keep writing! :)


jill was 22yowhen she wrote that story and had already got her bahcelor's degree in english, going towards her masster's bc of your harsh and almost imature review,she has to remove the story due to the embarasment {sorry, sp?.}she feels with your review being your gonna be a cruel reader,be anonymous so writers could remove the review:)

jill didnt"go bonkers" -and for your information,that is not even grammatically correct to say!- with a thesaurus - it is called having a vivid imagination."The imagination is the key to opening up a thesaurus in one's mind." writers have this an want 2 show their imagery to the readers through their diction {this means word choice} and is absolutly nothing wrong with her word that stories DO require descriptive elements {fancy words} in them IF a writer WANTs to make them engaging cause,once again,writers have vivvid imaginations and such descriptions are NATURAL {not forced} to some readers do not understand this and deem them as 'big words".And yes, jills story is v descriptive and engrossing.:)

Sometime those two aspects require adverbs and adjectives to show the same imagery the writer has in their mind to the w/ this imagery that a writer uses when writing and consequently - well, the words simply flow!If those words are hard to understand,reading more helps improve vocabulary 'llbecome easier over time that way.

So next time, dont conisder a writers diction as flowery{which means using excessive adjectives to the point of showing grandiloquence in word choice} if the words are too big for you.:) Writers have great visions when writing and just want to share the said w/ readers w/o a story's words seeming too hackneyed!:)And when you review ones story,dont assume,criticise as a result of false judgements,and then add fake endearments {even more,a cute smiliey emoticon :) to make yourself seem like a kind reviewer giving constructive criticizm.}Its mean. -kristin. email me at if you feel differently.I totally wanna understand your review.
spadetje chapter 1 . 7/6/2004
Wow amazing. Man I love angst fics and this is a prime example, proberly the best. Bet you'll be famous someday and I can say I e-read your stuff and vice versa.

Awesome work though, I'm impressed. It's realistic as well, after the world blows apart of course people would get that depressed.
Night Elemental chapter 1 . 7/5/2004
Nice! I guess some people would consider it ooc, but thats one of the reasons I enjoyed reading it: the sense of looking at a familiar character differently. I like the fact that this shows a deeper, darker side of Relm, and I loved the subtle parallels with Shadow. And I can find it believable because the end of the world would tend to mess anyone up, y'know?